K N Badhani
K N Badhani
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Herding behavior in the commodity markets of the Asia-Pacific region
A Kumar, KN Badhani, E Bouri, T Saeed
Finance Research Letters 41, 101813, 2021
Dynamic relationship among stock-prices, exchange rate and net FII investment flow in India
KN Badhani
Conference on Research in Finance and Accounting, IIM, Lucknow, 2005
Response asymmetry in return and volatility spillover from the US to Indian stock market
KN Badhani
IUP Journal of Applied Finance 15 (9), 22, 2009
Do Indian firms engage in classification shifting to report inflated core earnings?
M Bansal, A Kumar, KN Badhani
Managerial Finance 47 (11), 1533-1552, 2021
Beta-anomaly: evidence from the Indian equity market
A Ali, KN Badhani
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 28 (1), 55-78, 2021
Stock price-volume causality at index level
KN Badhani
Indian Institute of Capital Markets 9th Capital Markets Conference Paper, 2006
Exchange rate volatility: Impact on industry portfolios in Indian stock market
KN Badhani, R Chhimwal, J Suyal
IUP Journal of Applied Finance 15 (6), 33, 2009
Do institutional investors perform better in emerging markets?
KN Badhani, A Kumar, XV Vo, M Tayde
International Review of Economics & Finance 86, 1041-1056, 2023
Market timing skill of foreign portfolio investors in India
KN Badhani, A Kumar
IIMB Management Review 32 (1), 24-38, 2020
Enterprise-based transformation of hill agriculture: a case study of vegetable growing farmers in Garampani area, Nainital District, India.
KN Badhani
Empirical Regularities in the Intra-Week Trading Patterns of Foreign Institutional Investors in India
KN Badhani
Available at SSRN 900501, 2006
Long memory in stock returns and volatility in India: A nonparametric analysis
KN Badhani
ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance 14 (12), 34-53, 2008
Intertemporal risk–return relationship in stock indices with alternative model specifications
KN Badhani
The IUP Journal of Applied Finance 13 (7), 5-22, 2007
Does the low-risk anomaly exist in the Indian equity market? A test using alternative risk measures
A Ali, KN Badhani, A Kumar
Journal of Economic Studies 49 (8), 1422-1452, 2022
Modeling Aggregate Stock Market Volatility with Structural Breaks in India.
KN Badhani
Decision (0304-0941) 35 (2), 2008
Structural Changes and the Day-of-the Week Effect in Indian Stock Market
KN Badhani, BD Kavidayal
Finance India, 2008
Does Friday repeat itself on Monday? An analysis of the day-of-the-week effect on autocorrelations of stock market index returns
KN Badhani, BD Kavidayal, PC Kavidayal
The ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance 12 (6), 53-66, 2006
Does Nifty have a Long Memory? Semi-parametric Estimation of Fractional Integration in Returns and Volatility.
KN Badhani
Decision (0304-0941) 39 (3), 2012
Anomaly or Rationality: Explaining the Day-of-the-Week Effect on S&P CNX Nifty Index-Returns During Different Settlement Regimes
KN Badhani
10th Indian Institute of Capital Markets Conference Paper, 2007
From Subsistence Farming to Market-Oriented Enterprises: The Case of Vegetable Growing Farmers in Garampani Area, Nainital District, India
KN Badhani
Discussion Paper Series No. MEI 98, 1998
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