Arvind Kumar Prajapati
Arvind Kumar Prajapati
SMIEEE & Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, NIT Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
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Cited by
Model order reduction by using the balanced truncation method and the factor division algorithm
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
IETE Journal of Research 65 (6), 827-842, 2019
Reduced-Order Modelling of LTI Systems by Using Routh Approximation and Factor Division Methods
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 38 (7), 3340–3355, 2019
Order Reduction of Linear Dynamic Systems by Improved Routh Approximation Method
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
IETE Journal of Research 65 (5), 702-715, 2018
Order Reduction in Linear Dynamical Systems by Using Improved Balanced Realization Technique
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 38 (11), 5289–5303, 2019
A New Model Reduction Method for the Linear Dynamic Systems and Its Application for the Design of Compensator
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 39 (5), 2328–2348, 2019
Reduced Order Modelling of Linear Time Invariant Systems Using the Factor Division Method to Allow Retention of Dominant Modes
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
IETE Technical Review 36 (5), 449-462, 2018
Model Reduction Using the Balanced Truncation Method and the Padé Approximation Method
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
IETE Technical Review, 1-14, 2020
A New Technique for the Reduced-Order Modelling of Linear Dynamic Systems and Design of Controller
AK Prajapati, VGD Rayudu, A Sikander, R Prasad
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 39 (10), 4849–4867, 2020
A new model order reduction method for the design of compensator by using moment matching algorithm
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 42 (3), 472-484, 2019
Predictive Controller Based EMS and Techno-Economics of an Electrical-Thermal Community MG
S Sen, M Kumar, B Vedik, CK Shiva, AK Prajapati
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen …, 2023
A novel order reduction method for linear dynamic systems and its application for designing of PID and lead/lag compensators
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 43 (5), 1226-1238, 2020
Order Reduction of Linear Dynamic Systems with an Improved Routh Stability Method
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Conference: IEEE International Conference on Control, Power Communication …, 2018
Contribution of Time Moments and Markov Parameters in Reduced Order Modeling
AK Prajapati, R Prasad, J Pal
IEEE 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) At …, 2018
Multi-fault diagnosis in three coupled tank system using unknown input observer
AK Prajapati, BK Roy
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (1), 47-52, 2016
A new generalized pole clustering-based model reduction technique and its application for design of controllers
AK Prajapati, P Rajendra
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 41 (3), 1497-1529, 2022
Failure of Padé Approximation and Time Moment Matching Techniques in Reduced Order Modelling
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
IEEE 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)At …, 2018
Reduced order modelling of linear time invariant systems by using improved modal method
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 119 (12), 13011-13023, 2018
A New Model Reduction Technique for the Design of Controller by Using Moment Matching Algorithm
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
IETE Technical Review 39 (6), 1419-1440, 2021
Padé Approximation and its Failure in Reduced Order Modelling
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical Electronics and …, 2017
Reduction of linear dynamic systems using generalized approach of pole clustering method
AK Prajapati, R Prasad
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 44 (9), 1755-1769, 2021
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Articles 1–20