Dr. M. C. Hanumantharaju
Dr. M. C. Hanumantharaju
Professor-ECE and CoE, BMS Institute of Technology and Management
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Low‐field MRI of stroke: challenges and opportunities
SS Bhat, TT Fernandes, P Poojar, M da Silva Ferreira, PC Rao, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 54 (2), 372-390, 2021
Color image enhancement using multiscale retinex with modified color restoration technique
MC Hanumantharaju, M Ravishankar, DR Rameshbabu, ...
2011 Second International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information …, 2011
A high speed block convolution using ancient indian vedic mathematics
MC Hanumantharaju, H Jayalaxmi, RK Renuka, M Ravishankar
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia …, 2007
Design and development of new reconfigurable architectures for LSB/multi-bit image steganography system
K Sathish Shet, AR Aswath, MC Hanumantharaju, XZ Gao
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 13197-13219, 2017
A novel method for computing exponential function using cordic algorithm
J Sudha, MC Hanumantharaju, V Venkateswarulu, H Jayalaxmi
Procedia Engineering 30, 519-528, 2012
Development of multiscale retinex algorithm for medical image enhancement based on multi-rate sampling
S Setty, NK Srinath, MC Hanumantharaju
2013 International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing …, 2013
A novel FPGA implementation of adaptive color image enhancement based on HSV color space
MC Hanumantharaju, M Ravishankar, DR Rameshbabu, ...
2011 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology 2, 160-163, 2011
Novel high-speed reconfigurable FPGA architectures for EMD-based image steganography
KS Shet, AR Aswath, MC Hanumantharaju, XZ Gao
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (13), 18309-18338, 2019
Review of various histogram based medical image enhancement techniques
HN Vidyasaraswathi, MC Hanumantharaju
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Research in …, 2015
Adaptive color image enhancement based geometric mean filter
MC Hanumantharaju, M Ravishankar, DR Rameshbabu, ...
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication, Computing …, 2011
A particle swarm optimization method for tuning the parameters of multiscale retinex based color image enhancement
MC Hanumantharaju, VNM Aradhya, M Ravishankar, A Mamatha
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing …, 2012
Design and FPGA implementation of an 2D Gaussian surround function with reduced on-chip memory utilization
MC Hanumantharaju, M Ravishankar, DR Rameshbabu
2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2013
A novel FPGA based reconfigurable architecture for image color space conversion
MC Hanumantharaju, GR Vishalakshi, S Halvi, SB Satish
International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems, 292-301, 2011
Detection of breast cancer with lightweight deep neural networks for histology image classification
HS Laxmisagar, MC Hanumantharaju
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 50 (2), 2022
Design of novel algorithm and architecture for Gaussian based color image enhancement system for real time applications
MC Hanumantharaju, M Ravishankar, DR Rameshbabu
Advances in Computing, Communication, and Control: Third International …, 2013
A new framework for retinex-based colour image enhancement using particle swarm optimisation
MC Hanumantharaju, M Ravishankar, DR Rameshbabu, VNM Aradhya
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence 1 (2), 133-155, 2014
Natural color image enhancement based on modified multiscale retinex algorithm and performance evaluation using wavelet energy
MC Hanumantharaju, M Ravishankar, DR Rameshbabu
Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics: Proceedings of the Second …, 2014
FPGA implementation of breast cancer detection using SVM linear classifier
HS Laxmisagar, MC Hanumantharaju
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (26), 41105-41128, 2023
A survey on automated detection of breast cancer based histopathology images
HS Laxmisagar, MC Hanumantharaju
2020 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry …, 2020
Review of mammogram enhancement techniques for detecting breast cancer
IUI Wani, MC Hanumantharaju, MT Gopalakrishna
IJCA proceedings in ICICT, 2014
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Articles 1–20