Vinay Kumar Gupta
Vinay Kumar Gupta
Department of Mathematics, IIT Indore, India
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Automated Boltzmann collision integrals for moment equations
VK Gupta, M Torrilhon
AIP Conference Proceedings-American Institute of Physics 1501 (1), 67-74, 2012
Higher order moment equations for rarefied gas mixtures
VK Gupta, M Torrilhon
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2015
Coupled constitutive relations: a second law based higher order closure for hydrodynamics
AS Rana, VK Gupta, H Struchtrup
Proceedings of The Royal Society A 474 (2218), 20180323, 2018
Comparison of relaxation phenomena in binary gas-mixtures of Maxwell molecules and hard spheres
VK Gupta, M Torrilhon
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70 (1), 73-88, 2015
Higher-order moment theories for dilute granular gases of smooth hard spheres
VK Gupta, P Shukla, M Torrilhon
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 836, 451-501, 2018
Regularized moment equations for binary gas mixtures: Derivation and linear analysis
VK Gupta, H Struchtrup, M Torrilhon
Physics of Fluids 28 (4), 2016
Mathematical modeling of rarefied gas-mixtures
VK Gupta
PhD Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 2015
Kinetic theory and Burnett order constitutive relations for a smooth granular gas
VK Gupta
M.S. Thesis, JNCASR, 2011
Density waves and the effect of wall roughness in granular Poiseuille flow: Simulation and linear stability
M Alam, V Chikkadi, VK Gupta
The European Physical Journal-Special Topics 179 (1), 69-90, 2009
Moment theories for a d-dimensional dilute granular gas of Maxwell molecules
VK Gupta
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 888, A12 (1-57), 2020
H-theorem and boundary conditions for the linear R26 equations: application to flow past an evaporating droplet
AS Rana, VK Gupta, JE Sprittles, M Torrilhon
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 924, A16 (1-42), 2021
Reprint of: Comparison of relaxation phenomena in binary gas-mixtures of Maxwell molecules and hard spheres
VK Gupta, M Torrilhon
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 (2), 271-287, 2016
Shear-banding instability in arbitrarily inelastic granular shear flows
P Shukla, L Biswas, VK Gupta
Physical Review E 100 (3), 032903, 2019
Wave scattering by a circular cylinder over a porous bed
AK Kushwaha, H Behera, VK Gupta
Archive of Applied Mechanics 94 (3), 555-570, 2024
Rarefied gas flow past a liquid droplet: interplay between internal and external flows
R Bhattacharjee, S Saini, VK Gupta, AS Rana
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 980, A4, 2024
Fundamental solutions of an extended hydrodynamic model in two dimensions: Derivation, theory, and applications
Himanshi, AS Rana, VK and Gupta
Physical Review E 108, 015306, 2023
Wave interaction with a floating circular porous elastic plate
H Behera, SA Selvan, VK Gupta
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing with Applications: ICMMSC …, 2020
Grad-type fourteen-moment theory for dilute granular gases
VK Gupta, P Shukla
Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Series 1 (1), 133-143, 2017
Grad's moment equations for binary hard sphere gas-mixtures
VK Gupta, N Sarna, M Torrilhon
4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference, UCL, London, UK (ISBN: 9781908549167), 8, 2014
Heat transfer in binary gas-mixtures confined in a square cavity
VK Gupta, M Torrilhon
Conference Proceedings of the 3rd ECCOMAS YIC GACM 2015, 4, 2015
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Articles 1–20