Atul Patel, Professor, Dean (Academics) and Registrar
Cited by
Cited by
Optical character recognition by open source OCR tool tesseract: A case study
C Patel, A Patel, D Patel
International journal of computer applications 55 (10), 50-56, 2012
Automatic number plate recognition system (anpr): A survey
C Patel, D Shah, A Patel
International Journal of Computer Applications 69 (9), 2013
Big data analysis: recommendation system with Hadoop framework
JP Verma, B Patel, A Patel
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2015
Big data analytics: Challenges and applications for text, audio, video, and social media data
JP Verma, S Agrawal, B Patel, A Patel
International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and …, 2016
Comparative Analysis of K-means and K-medoids Algorithm on IRIS Data
KG Soni, A Patel
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 13 (5), 899-906, 2017
A multiclass plant leaf disease detection using image processing and machine learning techniques
N Ganatra, A Patel
International Journal on Emerging Technologies 11 (2), 1082-1086, 2020
Abig data revolution in health care sector: Opportunities, challenges and technological advancements
S Patel, A Patel
International Journal of Information 6 (1/2), 155-162, 2016
A survey on diseases detection and classification of agriculture products using image processing and machine learning
N Ganatra, A Patel
International Journal of Computer Applications 180 (13), 1-13, 2018
A survey paper on e-learning based learning management Systems (LMS)
C Patel, M Gadhavi, A Patel
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 4 (6), 171-177, 2013
Web Crawler: Review of Different Types of Web Crawler, Its Issues, Applications and Research Opportunities.
K Desai, V Devulapalli, S Agrawal, P Kathiria, A Patel
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 8 (3), 2017
A comprehensive study of deep learning architectures, applications and tools
N Ganatra, A Patel
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 6 (12), 701-705, 2018
Deep leaning architectures and its applications: A survey
S Patel, A Patel
International journal of computer sciences and engineering 6 (6), 1177-1183, 2018
SAG Cluster: An unsupervised graph clustering based on collaborative similarity for community detection in complex networks
S Agrawal, A Patel
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 563, 125459, 2021
Performance analysis of fine-tuned convolutional neural network models for plant disease classification
N Ganatra, A Patel
International Journal of Control and Automation 13 (3), 293-305, 2020
Astudy on graph storage database of nosql
S Agrawal, A Patel
International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and …, 2016
Sentiment analysis of parents feedback for educational institutes
T Patel, J Undavia, A Patela
International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering 2 …, 2015
Rule based expert system for viral infection diagnosis
M Patel, A Patel, P Virparia
International journal of advanced research in computer science and software …, 2013
Deep learning methods and applications for precision agriculture
N Ganatra, A Patel
Machine Learning for Predictive Analysis: Proceedings of ICTIS 2020, 515-527, 2021
Evaluation of unsupervised learning based extractive text summarization technique for large scale review and feedback data
JP Verma, A Patel
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10 (17), 1-6, 2017
Bone cancer detection from X-ray and MRI images through image segmentation techniques
A Shukla, A Patel
Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng 8 (6), 273-278, 2020
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Articles 1–20