Dr. Ramgopal Dudwal
Dr. Ramgopal Dudwal
Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner
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Population dynamics of major defoliators (semiloopers and tobacco caterpillar) in soybean crop.
PK Meena, R Dudwal
Legume Research: An International Journal 40 (1), 2017
Persistence and dissipation kinetics of novaluron 9.45%+ lambda-cyhalothrin 1.9% ZC insecticides in tomato crop under semi-arid region
ARK Pathan, BL Jakhar, SR Dhaka, M Nitharwal, HS Jatav, RG Dudwal, ...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 45 (12), 9293-9302, 2023
Dissipation kinetics, risk assessment, and waiting period of spiromesifen on chili fruits using gas chromatography–electron capture detector
R Dudwal, BL Jakhar, ARK Pathan, I Jan, BL Kakralya, SR Dhaka, ...
Biomedical Chromatography 37 (4), e5577, 2023
Impact of different decontamination methods on the reduction of spiromesifen residue in chilli fruits
R Dudwal, BL Jakhar, ARK Pathan, A Kataria, SR Dhaka, I Jan, ...
Heliyon 10 (9), 2024
Field efficacy of newer insecticides against tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (F.) on soybean
SR Babu, R Dudwal, MK Mahla
Indian Journal of Entomology 80 (3), 912-917, 2018
Estimation of avoidable losses in chickpea by pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in Southern Rajasthan
SR Babu, DP Saini, R Dudwal, PK Meena
Interaction 6, 4-37, 2018
Estimation of avoidable losses due to defoliators (semilooper and common cutworm, Spodoptera litura Fab.) in different varieties of soybean
S Ramesh Babu, R Dudwal, PK Meena, P Rokadia
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7 (8 …, 2018
Estimation of avoidable lossses due to defoliators (semilooper complex and common cutworm, Spodoptera litura Fab.) in different varieties of soybean
SR Babu, R Dudwal, PK Meena, P Rokadia
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science 7 (8 …, 2018
Study the persistence of spiromesifen residues in the soil of chilli field under semi-arid region of Rajasthan
RG Dudwal, BL Jakhar, AR Pathan, AK Yadav, SR Babu, A Kataria, ...
The Pharma Innovation Journal 11 (1), 1148-1152, 2022
Larvicidal activity of different solvent extracts from the seeds of Abrus precatorius (L.) against pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner)
SR Babu, PK Meena, D Ramgopal
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 6 (2), 496-499, 2018
The effect of different decontamination processes on the residues of fipronil and its metabolites in chili fruits (Capsicum annuum L.)
R Dudwal, BL Jakhar, ARK Pathan, A Kataria, I Jan, BL Kakralya, ...
Biomedical Chromatography 37 (9), e5695, 2023
Biofertilizer: A Paradigm Shift to Sustainability
A Kataria, R Dudwal
Advances in Sustainable Agriculture, 178-185, 2022
Dissipation and persistence behaviour of fipronil and its metabolites in chilli fruits using GC-ECD, confirmed by GC-MS, under semi-arid conditions
R Dudwal, BL Jakhar, ARK Pathan, A Kataria, G Gupta, V Kumarasamy, ...
Heliyon 10 (20), 2024
Dissipation of imidacloprid 17.8 SL in pea and soil under semi arid region.
BL Jakhar, ARK Pathan, SR Dhaka, RG Dudwal, AK Yadav, ...
A new Diamide molecule: Tetraniliprole 200 SC (W/V) against pests of soybean
SR Babu, P Rokadia, GS Ameta, PK Meena, R Dudwal
Extended Summaries 55, 80, 2020
Filed efficacy of newer insecticide molecules against green semilooper, Thysanoplusia orichalcea in Blackgram
SR Babu, GR Dudwal, PK Meena
Indian Journal of Plant Protection 43 (3), 273-275, 2015
Nanotechnology-A Novel Tool to Enhance Agricultural Productivity and Quality of Life of Farmers
A Kataria, A Kumari, R Dudwal, S Singh, VD Rajput, MK Jat
Transforming Agricultural Management for a Sustainable Future: Climate …, 2024
Dissipation and Persistence Kinetics of Fipronil and Spiromesifen on Chilli Fruits and Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Vegetables
R Dudwal
Field efficacy of tetraniliprole 200 SC, a new diamide insecticide molecule against common cutworm, Spodoptera litura in soybean
SR Babu, R Dudwal
Indian Journal of Plant Protection 45 (3), 2020
Bio-efficacy of newer insecticides and biopesticides against thrips, Thrips tabaci in garlic.
RD Ramgopal Dudwal, BL Jat, SR Babu, AK Alka Kataria
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Articles 1–20