hanumantha M
hanumantha M
Assistant Professor (Forestry)
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Cited by
Genetic variation for floral traits among teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) clones: Implications to seed orchard fertility
R Vasudeva, M Hanumantha, RP Gunaga
Current Science, 358-362, 2004
Implication of variation in reproductive traits among teak clones to management and genetics of seed orchards
R Vasudeva, RP Gunaga, M Hanumantha
Advances in Forestry Research 24, 120-135, 2001
Nonsynchronous flowering in teak seed orchards–a cause for low fruit production
R Vasudeva, RP Gunaga, M Hanumantha, MH Swaminath
National Symposium on Forestry towards 21st Century, Tamil Nadu Agricultural …, 2000
Blooming variation among clones of different provenances in teak
RP Gunaga, R Vasudeva, M Hanumantha, MH Swaminath
My For 35 (3), 237-247, 1999
Implications of clonal variation for reproductive traits to improvement of teak
R Vasudeva, RP Gunaga, M Hanumantha
Quality Timber Products of Teak from Sustainable Forest Management …, 2003
Assembling, genetic evaluation and selection of superior types in Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume
M Hanumantha
Ph. D. Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India, 2020
An observation on the occurance of Polyembryony in Mangifera indica Linn
RPGGS Siddappa Kannur, Hanumantha, M.
Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18 (3), 845, 2005
Influence of patch geometry, post-bark-extraction-treatment on bark recovery and standardizing number of sprouts for bark harvest from coppices in Cinnamomum zeylanicum blume …
M Hanumantha, R Vasudeva
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194 (3), 214, 2022
Seed source variation for leaf morphological traits of Cinnamomum zeylanicum in the central western ghats of Karnataka: Implications for Domestication
M Hanumantha, SS Inamati, A Krishna, GO Manjunatha, R Vasudeva
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 9 (5), 3229-3236, 2020
Utilization pattern of non-timber forest products (NTFPS) in Siddapura taluk of Uttara Kannada district of Western Ghat region, Karnataka
M Hanumantha, IB Sachin, SP Roopa, GO Manjunatha
J Pharmacogn Phytochem 8 (3), 901-905, 2019
Assessment of tar spot disease in Dalbergia latifolia and their management
KR Swamy, V Pai, M Hanumantha, V Suryanarayan
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (3), 621-623, 2019
Assessment of antifungal potential of Acacia auriculiformis extracts against wood decay fungi
PK Poonia, V Upadhya, M Hanumantha, A Kumar
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 92 (1), 22-25, 2022
Infestation status of Teak leaf skeletonizer, Eutectona machaelaris Walk. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in different locations of Uttara Kannada district.
SK Nayak, B. G., Hanumantha, M., Ganigera, B. S. and Patil
MyForest 38 (3), 373-377, 2002
Effect of Gamma irradiation and pre-sowing treatments on growth attributes of Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.
M Vasudeva, R., Rajesh P. Gunaga and Hanumantha
Indian Journal of Forestry 25 (2), 136-138, 2002
Genetic variation for reproductive success in a clonal seed orchard of teak
M Hanumantha, R Vasudeva, RP Gunaga, MH Swaminath
My Forest (37/1), 373-387, 2001
Clonal variation for gametophyte characteristics in teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.)
M Hanumantha, R Vasudeva
Malay. For 64, 22-28, 2001
Tree diversity and carbon stock assessment of college campus Sirsi, Karnataka (India).
PK Poonia, S Subba, MS Nilajagi, M Hanumantha
The Productivity and Utilization of Non Wood Forest Products (NWFPs) under Agroforestry Systems for Rural Livelihood and Economy in Western Ghats Region of Karnataka (India …
G Shahapurmath, SS Inamati, M Hanumantha, V Rashmi
Journal of AgriSearch 6 (Special), 35-41, 2019
Enhancement of seed germination in stored seeds using different pre-sowing treatments in Bauhinia purpurea L.
M Hanumantha, RP Gunaga, SS Biradar, RS Patil, P Shankar
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 6 (2), 707, 2014
Double Embryos in Santalum album (L.)
SG Wanage, S. S., Mirgal, A. B., Rajesh P. Gunaga, Hanumantha, M., Rane, A ...
Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 17 (1), 49-50, 2010
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Articles 1–20