Butchi Venkata Rao Tata
Butchi Venkata Rao Tata
Other namesB V R Tata
Distinguished Professor, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, GITAM University
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Vapor-liquid condensation in charged colloidal suspensions
BVR Tata, M Rajalakshmi, AK Arora
Physical review letters 69 (26), 3778, 1992
Bioreduction of Cr (VI) by alkaliphilic Bacillus subtilis and interaction of the membrane groups
MSM Mangaiyarkarasi, S Vincent, S Janarthanan, TS Rao, BVR Tata
Saudi journal of biological sciences 18 (2), 157-167, 2011
Ordering and phase transitions in charged colloids
AK Arora, BVR Tata
(No Title), 1996
Confocal laser scanning microscopy: Applications in material science and technology
BVR Tata, B Raj
Bulletin of Materials Science 21, 263-278, 1998
Amorphous clustering in highly charged dilute poly (chlorostyrene-styrene sulfonate) colloids
BVR Tata, E Yamahara, PV Rajamani, N Ise
Physical review letters 78 (13), 2660, 1997
Interactions, structural ordering and phase transitions in colloidal dispersions
AK Arora, BVR Tata
Advances in colloid and interface science 78 (1), 49-97, 1998
How homogeneous are “homogeneous dispersions”? Counterion-mediated attraction between like-charged species
N Ise, T Konishi, BVR Tata
Langmuir 15 (12), 4176-4184, 1999
Reentrant phase transition in charged colloidal suspensions
AK Arora, BVR Tata, AK Sood, R Kesavamoorthy
Physical review letters 60 (23), 2438, 1988
Random hcp and fcc structures in thermoresponsive microgel crystals
J Brijitta, BVR Tata, RG Joshi, T Kaliyappan
The Journal of chemical physics 131 (7), 2009
Radiation stability of some room temperature ionic liquids
CJ Rao, KA Venkatesan, BVR Tata, K Nagarajan, TG Srinivasan, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 80 (5), 643-649, 2011
Ordering, dynamics and phase transitions in charged colloids
BVR Tata, SS Jena
Solid state communications 139 (11-12), 562-580, 2006
Monte Carlo study of structural ordering in charged colloids using a long-range attractive interaction
BVR Tata, N Ise
Physical Review E 58 (2), 2237, 1998
Phase behavior of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) nanogel dispersions: temperature dependent particle size and interactions
J Brijitta, BVR Tata, T Kaliyappan
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (9), 5323-5328, 2009
Bound pairs: Direct evidence for long-range attraction between like-charged colloids
BVR Tata, PS Mohanty, MC Valsakumar
Solid State Communications 147 (9-10), 360-365, 2008
The split in the second peak in the structure factor of binary colloidal suspensions: glass-like order
R Kesavamoorthy, AK Sood, BVR Tata, AK Arora
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21 (27), 4737, 1988
Structure of charged colloids under a wedge confinement
BVR Tata, D Boda, D Henderson, A Nikolov, DT Wasan
Physical Review E 62 (3), 3875, 2000
Homogeneous to inhomogeneous transition in charged colloids
BVR Tata, N Ise
Physical Review B 54 (9), 6050, 1996
Structure factor for a two component mixture of dilute colloidal suspensions
BVR Tata, R Kesavamoorthy, AK Sood
Molecular Physics 61 (4), 943-952, 1987
Glass transition and dynamical heterogeneities in charged colloidal suspensions under pressure
BVR Tata, PS Mohanty, MC Valsakumar
Physical review letters 88 (1), 018302, 2001
Gas-liquid transition in a two-dimensional system of millimeter-sized like-charged metal balls
BVR Tata, PV Rajamani, J Chakrabarti, A Nikolov, DT Wasan
Physical Review Letters 84 (16), 3626, 2000
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Articles 1–20