Professor and HOD, AI & DS Dept., National Engineering College,Kovilpatti
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Cited by
Machine learning and IoT-based cardiac arrhythmia diagnosis using statistical and dynamic features of ECG
RL Devi, V Kalaivani
The journal of supercomputing 76 (9), 6533-6544, 2020
Analysis of EEG signal for the detection of brain abnormalities
M Kalaivani, V Kalaivani, VA Devi
at International Journal of Computer Applications® year, 2014
Enhanced BB84 quantum cryptography protocol for secure communication in wireless body sensor networks for medical applications
V Kalaivani
Personal and ubiquitous computing 27 (3), 875, 2021
Big data analysis for heart disease detection system using map reduce technique
G Vaishali, V Kalaivani
2016 International Conference on Computing Technologies and Intelligent Data …, 2016
A blockchain based secure and privacy aware medical data sharing using smart contract and encryption scheme
S Vidhya, V Kalaivani
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 16 (2), 900-913, 2023
Stress causing Arrhythmia detection from ECG Signal using HMM
K Vimala
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication …, 2014
Forest fire detection on LANDSAT images using support vector machine
P Chanthiya, V Kalaivani
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 33 (16), e6280, 2021
Dynamic web page segmentation based on detecting reappearance and layout of tag patterns for small screen devices
K Rajkumar, V Kalaivani
2012 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology …, 2012
A novel custom optimized convolutional neural network for a satellite image by using forest fire detection
V Kalaivani, P Chanthiya
Earth Science Informatics 15 (2), 1285-1295, 2022
Diagnosis of arrhythmia diseases using heart sounds and ECG signals
V Kalaivani
Российский кардиологический журнал, 35-41, 2014
Classification of cardiac vascular disease from ECG signals for enhancing modern health care scenario
K Vimala, DV Kalaivani
Health Informatics-An International Journal (HIIJ) 2 (4), 63-72, 2013
Hybrid cryptosystem in wireless body area networks using message authentication code and modified and enhanced lattice‐based cryptography (MAC‐MELBC) in healthcare applications
V Anusuya Devi, V Kalaivani
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 33 (9), e6132, 2021
Automated recognition of obstructive sleep apnea using ensemble support vector machine classifier
V Kalaivani
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 33 (3), 274-289, 2020
Phonocardiographic signal and electrocardiographic signal analysis for the detection of cardiovascular diseases
V Kalaivani, RL Devi, V Anusuyadevi
Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 15 (1), 79-86, 2018
A remote healthcare monitoring system for faster identification of cardiac abnormalities from compressed ECG using advanced data mining approach
N Sathiya Rani, K Vimala, V Kalaivani
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image …, 2013
Health care monitoring for the CVD detection using soft computing techniques
NS Rani, K Vimala, DV Kalaivani
International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science and Technology …, 2013
Predicting the abnormality of brain and compute the cognitive power of human using deep learning techniques using functional magnetic resonance images
K Palraj, V Kalaivani
Soft Computing 25 (23), 14461-14478, 2021
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference healthcare system for cardiac arrhythmia detection using heart rate variability features
R Lakshmi Devi, V Kalaivani, BL Velammal
Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation, and Control …, 2021
Analyzing social media data for understanding students learning experiences and predicting their psychological pressure
TN Kovilpatti, V Kalaivani
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 118 (7), 513-521, 2018
Protecting data from DDOS attack in a cloud based intrusion detection system security through enhanced RSA algorithm
S Sujitha, V Kalaivani, AMA Hassan, K Iswarya
2023 International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and …, 2023
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Articles 1–20