Narendra Dhokey
Narendra Dhokey
Professor Deptt of Metallurgical Engineering, COEP Technogical University Pune- 411005, India
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Study of wear mechanisms in copper-based SiCp (20% by volume) reinforced composite
NB Dhokey, RK Paretkar
Wear 265 (1-2), 117-133, 2008
Dry sliding wear of cryotreated multiple tempered D-3 tool steel
NB Dhokey, S Nirbhavne
Journal of materials processing technology 209 (3), 1484-1490, 2009
Influence of cryoprocessing on mechanism of carbide development in cobalt-bearing high-speed steel (M35)
NB Dhokey, A Hake, S Kadu, I Bhoskar, GK Dey
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 1508-1516, 2014
Effect of tempering and cryogenic treatment on wear and mechanical properties of hot work tool steel (H13)
NB Dhokey, SS Maske, P Ghosh
Materials Today: Proceedings 43, 3006-3013, 2021
Hot-press sintering temperature response of diamond cutting tools and its correlation with wear mechanism
NB Dhokey, K Utpat, A Gosavi, P Dhoka
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 36, 289-293, 2013
Effect of deep cryogenic treatment on tribological behaviour of D2 tool steel-an experimental investigation
DN Korade, KV Ramana, KR Jagtap, NB Dhokey
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (8), 7665-7673, 2017
Wear Behavior and Its Correlation with Mechanical Properties of TiB2 Reinforced Aluminium‐Based Composites
NB Dhokey, KK Rane
Advances in Tribology 2011 (1), 837469, 2011
Study of wear stabilisation in cryoprocessed cobalt-based high speed steel
NB Dhokey, JV Dandawate
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 65 (4), 405-412, 2012
Overview on hardfacing processes, materials and applications
RR Garbade, NB Dhokey
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1017 (1), 012033, 2021
Metallurgical investigation of cryogenically cracked M35 tool steel
NB Dhokey, J Dandawate, H Gangurde, A Harle
Engineering Failure Analysis 21, 52-58, 2012
Influence of carbide density on surface roughness and quasi-stable wear behaviour of H13 die steel
T Shinde, NB Dhokey
Surface Engineering 33 (12), 944-952, 2017
Study of kinetics of mill scale reduction: for PM applications
C Joshi, NB Dhokey
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 68, 31-35, 2015
Effect of KBF4 and K2TiF6 on precipitation kinetics of TiB2 in aluminium matrix composite
NB Dhokey, S Ghule, K Rane, RS Ranade
Advanced Materials Letters 2 (3), 210-216, 2011
Overview on production of reduced iron powder from mill scale waste
PC Jikar, NB Dhokey
Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 4324-4329, 2021
Effect of deep cryogenic treatment on corrosion behavior of AISI H13 die steel
T Shinde, C Pruncu, NB Dhokey, AC Parau, A Vladescu
Materials 14 (24), 7863, 2021
Transition in wear behavior and mechanical properties of novel high nitrogen martensitic steel in cryogenic temperature regimes
NB Dhokey, A Upadhye, N Shah, KT Tharian
Materials Today: Proceedings 43, 3023-3029, 2021
Influence of tertiary carbides on improving fatigue limit of H13 die steels
T Shinde, NB Dhokey
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 6 (5), 398-406, 2017
Study of synergy between photovoltaic, thermoelectric and direct evaporative cooling system for improved performance
VS Poddar, VA Ranawade, NB Dhokey
Renewable Energy 182, 817-826, 2022
Influence of water pressure and apex angle on prediction of particle size for atomization of copper powder
NB Dhokey, MG Walunj, UC Chaudhari
Advanced Powder Technology 25 (2), 795-800, 2014
On the Formation and Distribution of In Situ Synthesized TiB2 Reinforcements in Cast Aluminium Matrix Composites
K Rane, N Dhokey
Journal of Composites Science 2 (3), 52, 2018
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