RGM College of Engg & Tech
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Estimation of speed and rotor position of BLDC motor using extended Kalman filter
D Lenine, BR Reddy, SV Kumar
IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2007
A variable switching frequency with boost power factor correction converter
MR Kumar, D Lenine, CS Babu
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 9 (1), 47-54, 2011
Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy and PI Controller for Boost Converter with Active PFC
D Lenine, CS Babu, G Shankaraiah
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 2 (4), 445, 2012
Improvement of static performance of multilevel inverter for single-phase grid connected photovoltaic modules
JS Kumari, CS Babu, D Lenine, J Lakshman
2009 Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering …, 2009
Near infrared broadband and visible upconversion emissions of erbium ions in oxyfluoride glasses for optical amplifier applications
VK Kummara, G Neelima, N Ravi, NNK Reddy, HSK Reddy, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 127, 106167, 2020
Experimental study of seven level magnetic coupled impedance source inverter
JN Reddy, D Lenine, MV Kumar
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2018
An Enhancement of Static Performance of Multilevel Inverter for Single Phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic modules
JS Kumari, CS Babu, DL Mr
International journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Academy Publishers …, 2010
A static improvement of predictive control for single phase voltage fed power factor correction converters
D Lenine, CS Babu, JS Kumari
2010 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in …, 2010
A model predictive Goertzel algorithm based active islanding detection for grid integrated photovoltaic systems
JS Kumari, D Lenine, A Satish, TS Kumar, C Kalaivani, MD Kumar, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 95, 104706, 2022
Modeling of single phase single stage grid integrated photovoltaic system
D Lenine, C Babu, JS Kumari, S Shabeena, SN Rasool
J. Mech. Contin. Math. Sci 1 (3), 138-154, 2019
Design and Analysis of Predictive control using PI controller for Boost Converter with Active Power Factor Correction
MBS Sreenivas, CS Babu, MD Lenine
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 2 (6), 2012
MATLAB-Simulink environment based power quality improvement in photovoltaic system using multilevel inverter
G Priyanka, JS Kumari, D Lenine, PS Varma, SS Madhuri, V Chandu
Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics, 43-48, 2023
Comparison between variable switching frequency and timer controller with constant switching frequency techniques for PFC converters
D Lenine, S Bau
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 1 (2), 183-187, 2009
Constant current analysis of shell type transformer at different temperatures of core by using quickfield software
S Krishnarjuna Rao, D Lenine, P Sujatha
Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communications, and Information Technologies …, 2019
Performance enhancement of UPQC using Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy logic controller
SS Haq, D Lenine, S Lalitha
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 23 (6), 1765-1774, 2021
Structure and EPR investigations on Gd3+ ions in magnesium-lead-borophosphate glasses
N Kiran, VK Kummara, N Ravi, D Lenine
Journal of Molecular Structure 1208, 127877, 2020
Improving gain of real time PI controller using particle swarm optimization in active power filter
MM Reddy, PS Varma, D Lenine
Microprocessors and Microsystems 97, 104760, 2023
Energy Management System for Small Scale Hybrid Wind Solar Battery Based Microgrid
PSS Kumar, D Lenine, PS Kiran, SK Tummala, HM Al-Jawahry, S Singh
E3S Web of Conferences 391, 01138, 2023
Modelling and analysis of 8/6 switched reluctance motor with PI controller
K Nagesh, D Lenine, P Sujatha
Journal of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences 5, 357-370, 2020
Evolutionary computing based multilevel H-bridge cascaded inverter with photovoltaic system
JS Kumari, CS Babu, D Lenine
2010 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in …, 2010
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Articles 1–20