Brijesh Nair
Brijesh Nair
Professor, Jindal Global University
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Nanotechnology in Waste Water Treatment: A Review
BN Prachi, Pranjali Gautam, Deepa Madathil
International Journal of ChemTech Research 5 (5), 2303-2308, 2013
Kinetics of MIB and geosmin oxidation during ozonation
P Westerhoff, B Nalinakumari, P Pei
Ozone: science & engineering 28 (5), 277-286, 2006
High-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection for aqueous analysis of nanogram-level N-nitrosodimethylamine
W Cha, P Fox, B Nalinakumari
Analytica Chimica Acta 566 (1), 109-116, 2006
NGOs: A primer on the evolution of the organizations that are setting the next generation of “regulations”.
B Nalinakumari, R MacLean
Environmental Quality Management 14 (4), 2005
A review on the use of rapid small scale column test (RSSCT) on predicting adsorption of various contaminants
M Poddar, ANB Nair, AB Mahindrakar
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 3 (1 …, 2013
A review on recent advances in biosensors for detection of water contamination
P Gautam, S Suniti, A Kumari, D Madathil, B Nair
International journal of environmental sciences 2 (3), 1565-1574, 2012
Effects of primary substrate concentration on NDMA transport during simulated aquifer recharge
B Nalinakumari, W Cha, P Fox
Journal of Environmental Engineering 136 (4), 363-370, 2010
The new rule makers: The paradigm shift in environmental, health, safety and social responsibility ‘regulations’ now underway
R MacLean, B Nalinakumari
Corporate Environmental Strategy 11 (8), 183-198, 2004
Performance of vertical flow constructed wetlands planted with indigenous species for decentralized wastewater treatment and biomass production in Kerala, India
JS Pillai, ANB Nair
Nat. Environ. Pollut. Technol 20, 541-550, 2021
L-Valine functionalized ionic liquid catalyzed esterification reaction under approach
P Karthikeyan, PN Muskawar, SA Aswar, PR Bhagat, PS Satvat, ANB Nair
Arabian Journal of Chemistry 9, S1679-S1682, 2016
Methyl Isoborneol (Mib) and Geosmin Oxidation During Ozonation
BN Nalinakumari
Arizona State University, 2002
High-performance liquid chromatography for determination of N-nitrosodimethylamine in water
W Cha, B Nalinakumari, P Fox
WEFTEC 2006, 889-900, 2006
Fate and Transport of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in Soil Columns
P Fox, B Nalinakumari
WEFTEC 2004, 113-121, 2004
Effects of redox conditions and substrate concentration of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) biodegradation
B Nalinakumari
Arizona State University, 2007
Abd. Rahman, F., see Shukor, Y 283 Agapiou, A., see Statheropoulos, M. 207 Antoniadou-Vyza, E., see Mytides, P. 122 Arana, G., see Navarro, P. 37
W Cha, P Fox, B Nalinakumari, C Ding, P Han, J Song, H Liu, S Zhang, ...
Analytica Chimica Acta 566, 304-306, 2006
Trace-level Determination of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in Water Samples using a High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Derivatization
WS Cha, P Fox, B Nalinakumari, HC Choi
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers 28 (2), 223-228, 2006
The Shifting Roles of NGOs
B Nalinakumari, R MacLean
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Articles 1–17