Arup Nandy
Cited by
Cited by
Optimization of vibrating structure to reduce radiated noise
A Nandy, CS Jog
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 45, 717-728, 2012
Finite element modeling of electromagnetic crimping of Cu-SS tube-to-tube joint along with simulation of destructive testing for strength prediction of the joint
D Kumar, SD Kore, A Nandy
Journal of manufacturing science and engineering 143 (4), 041004, 2021
Mixed finite elements for electromagnetic analysis
CS Jog, A Nandy
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68 (8), 887-902, 2014
Conservation properties of the trapezoidal rule in linear time domain analysis of acoustics and structures
CS Jog, A Nandy
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 137 (2), 021010, 2015
A hybrid finite element formulation for large-deformation contact mechanics
M Agrawal, A Nandy, CS Jog
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 356, 407-434, 2019
Comparison of coupled and non-coupled finite element models for joining of Cu-SS tubes by electromagnetic forming
D Kumar, S Pawar, SD Kore, A Nandy
Procedia Manufacturing 47, 673-677, 2020
Interference-fit joining of Cu-SS composite tubes by electromagnetic crimping for different surface profiles
D Kumar, SD Kore, A Nandy
Welding in the World 65 (6), 1031-1050, 2021
Hellinger–Reissner principle based stress–displacement formulation for three-dimensional isogeometric analysis in linear elasticity
DS Bombarde, M Agrawal, SS Gautam, A Nandy
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 394, 114920, 2022
An amplitude finite element formulation for electromagnetic radiation and scattering
A Nandy, CS Jog
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 71 (7), 1364-1391, 2016
FE analysis of effect of variation in coil length and coil-tube relative positions on establishment of magnetic fields and distribution of velocities in electromagnetic forming …
SH Pawar, SD Kore, A Nandy
Procedia Manufacturing 47, 659-664, 2020
The time finite element as a robust general scheme for solving nonlinear dynamic equations including chaotic systems
CS Jog, M Agrawal, A Nandy
Applied Mathematics and Computation 279, 43-61, 2016
Experimental investigation of Cu-SS electromagnetically assisted adhesive tube-to-tube joining: Its advantages over electromagnetic crimping
D Kumar, SD Kore, A Nandy
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 109, 102908, 2021
Comparison of Sheared Edge Zones Developed in Electromagnetic and Quasistatic Dieless Perforation
S Pawar, SD Kore, A Nandy
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-10, 2020
Conservation Properties of the Trapezoidal Rule for Linear Transient Electromagnetics
A Nandy, CS Jog
Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science 26 (4), 1-26, 2018
Finite element modelling of electromagnetic crimping of copper-stainless steel tube-to-tube joint
D Kumar, SD Kore, A Nandy
Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICRAME 2020 …, 2021
A monolithic finite-element formulation for magnetohydrodynamics
A Nandy, CS Jog
Sādhanā 43 (9), 151, 2018
Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Flawed Domain
A Nandy, S Mullick, S De, D Dutta
National Seminar & Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, 2009
Periodicity detection of quasi-periodic slow-speed gait signal using IMU sensor
J Chakraborty, A Nandy
Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and …, 2019
Hybrid elements for modelling squeeze film effects coupled with structural interactions in vibratory mems devices
A Roychowdhury, A Nandy, CS Jog, R Pratap
CMES 1, 1-15, 2014
A Novel Conversion Technique from Nodal to Edge Finite Element Data Structure for Electromagnetic Analysis
D Kamireddy, A Nandy
Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 28 (4), 291-319, 2022
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Articles 1–20