Balaji Narasimhan
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Cited by
Development and evaluation of Soil Moisture Deficit Index (SMDI) and Evapotranspiration Deficit Index (ETDI) for agricultural drought monitoring
B Narasimhan, R Srinivasan
Agricultural and forest meteorology 133 (1-4), 69-88, 2005
Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data for improved land use and land cover mapping of monsoon regions
MJ Steinhausen, PD Wagner, B Narasimhan, B Waske
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 73 …, 2018
Development and verification of a non-linear disaggregation method (NL-DisTrad) to downscale MODIS land surface temperature to the spatial scale of Landsat thermal data to …
VM Bindhu, B Narasimhan, KP Sudheer
Remote Sensing of Environment 135, 118-129, 2013
An improved bias correction method of daily rainfall data using a sliding window technique for climate change impact assessment
PS Smitha, B Narasimhan, KP Sudheer, H Annamalai
Journal of Hydrology 556, 100-118, 2018
Dynamic integration of land use changes in a hydrologic assessment of a rapidly developing Indian catchment
PD Wagner, SM Bhallamudi, B Narasimhan, LN Kantakumar, KP Sudheer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 539, 153-164, 2016
Spatial mapping of agricultural water productivity using the SWAT model in Upper Bhima Catchment, India
KK Garg, L Bharati, A Gaur, B George, S Acharya, K Jella, B Narasimhan
Irrigation and Drainage 61 (1), 60-79, 2012
Estimation of long-term soil moisture using a distributed parameter hydrologic model and verification using remotely sensed data
B Narasimhan, R Srinivasan, JG Arnold, M Di Luzio
Transactions of the ASAE 48 (3), 1101-1113, 2005
Role of dams on the floods of August 2018 in Periyar River Basin, Kerala
KP Sudheer, SM Bhallamudi, B Narasimhan, J Thomas, VM Bindhu, ...
Current Science 116 (5), 780-794, 2019
Comparing the effects of dynamic versus static representations of land use change in hydrologic impact assessments
PD Wagner, SM Bhallamudi, B Narasimhan, S Kumar, N Fohrer, P Fiener
Environmental Modelling & Software 122, 103987, 2019
An automated cloud detection method for daily NOAA-14 AVHRR data for Texas, USA
PY Chen, R Srinivasan, G Fedosejevs, B Narasimhan
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (15), 2939-2950, 2002
Electrokinetic barrier to prevent subsurface contaminant migration: theoretical model development and validation
B Narasimhan, RS Ranjan
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 42 (1), 1-17, 2000
Chennai floods 2015: A rapid assessment
B Narasimhan, SM Bhallamudi, A Mondal, S Ghosh, P Mujumdar
Interdisciplinary Centre for Water Research Indian Institute of Science …, 2016
A comprehensive modeling approach for reservoir water quality assessment and management due to point and nonpoint source pollution
B Narasimhan, R Srinivasan, ST Bednarz, MR Ernst, PM Allen
Transactions of the ASABE 53 (5), 1605-1617, 2010
SWAT: Agricultural water and nonpoint source pollution management at a watershed scale
M Volk, D Bosch, V Nangia, B Narasimhan
Agricultural Water Management 175, 1-3, 2016
Modeling the Spatially Varying Water Balance Processes in a Semiarid Mountainous Watershed of Idaho1
BT Stratton, V Sridhar, MM Gribb, JP McNamara, B Narasimhan
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 45 (6), 1390-1408, 2009
Streambank erosion and best management practice simulation using SWAT
B Narasimhan, PM Allen, R Srinivasan, ST Bednarz, JG Arnold, ...
Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and TMDLS (Total …, 2007
Molecular diagnosis
F Markowetz, R Spang
Methods of information in medicine 44 (03), 438-443, 2005
Characterization of fate and transport of isoxaflutole, a soil-applied corn herbicide, in surface water using a watershed model
T Ramanarayanan, B Narasimhan, R Srinivasan
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 53 (22), 8848-8858, 2005
Development and testing of a physically based model of streambank erosion for coupling with a basin‐scale hydrologic model SWAT
B Narasimhan, PM Allen, SV Coffman, JG Arnold, R Srinivasan
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53 (2), 344-364, 2017
Development of indices for agricultural drought monitoring using a spatially distributed hydrologic model
B Narasimhan
Texas A&M University, 2004
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Articles 1–20