Shobha K
Shobha K
Assistant Professor, Siddaganga Institute of Technology,Former Research Scholar, National Institute
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Cited by
Cited by
Clustering based imputation algorithm using unsupervised neural network for enhancing the quality of healthcare data
NS Shobha K
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020
Efficient pre-processing techniques for improving classifiers performance
S Nickolas, K Shobha
Journal of Web Engineering 21 (2), 203-228, 2022
Time domain attribute based encryption for big data access control in cloud environment
K Shobha, S Nickolas
ACCENTS Transactions on Information Security, Vol 2(7) 2 (7), 73-77, 2017
Integration and rule-based pre-processing of scientific publication records from multiple data sources
K Shobha, S Nickolas
Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the Third …, 2019
Imputation of multivariate attribute values in big data
K Shobha, S Nickolas
Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the Second …, 2019
Analysis of importance of pre-processing in prediction of hypertension
K Shobha, S Nickolas
CSI Transactions on ICT 6, 209-214, 2018
Record. ai-an ai based solution to classify calls based on conversation
RC Chinmay, M Raj, S Mishra, K Shobha
2021 2nd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication …, 2021
Hybrid approaches for handling imbalanced structured and unstructured data
K M.J., Akshay, M. J. , R., Manu, Rishabh , R., Raj, Rishika , K.T., Suhas ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024
Parametric Study to Improve Forecasting Accuracy in Air Quality Data
K Shobha
Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence and Its Application, 187-194, 2023
Similarity-Based Data-Fusion Schemes for Missing Data Imputation in Univariate Time Series Data
S Nickolas, K Shobha
Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing …, 2021
Domain-Specific Journal Recommendation Using a Feed Forward Neural Network
S Nickolas, K Shobha
Applied Intelligent Decision Making in Machine Learning, 93-111, 2020
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Articles 1–11