Dr. Jyoti Verma
Dr. Jyoti Verma
University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India
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Taxonomic richness in the diatom flora of Himalayan streams (Garhwal, India)
P Nautiyal, R Nautiyal, K Kala, J Verma
Diatom 20, 123-132, 2004
Applicability and efficacy of diatom indices in water quality evaluation of Chambal river in central India.
JVAASK Prateek Srivastava, Sarika Grover
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 (33), 25955-25976, 2017
Longitudinal variation in the structure of benthic communities in the upland Vindhyan and Himalayan: River Continuum Concept approach
P Nautiyal, A Shivam, G Rawat, KR Singh, J Varma, AC Dwivedi
National Journal of Life Sciences 1 (1), 85-88, 2004
Achnanthidium chitrakootense spec. nov. from rivers of Northern and Central India
AZ WOJTAL, H LANGE-BERTALOT, R Nautiyal, J Verma, P Nautiyal
Polish Botanical Journal 55 (1), 55-64, 2010
Ecosystem health indicators in the Ganga Basin (Uttarakhand, India): Biodiversity, spatial patterns in structure and distribution of benthic diatoms, macroinvertebrates and …
ASMJV Prakash Nautiyal, R. Nautiyal, V. P. Semwal
Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management Society, 2013
River ecosystems of the Central Highland ecoregion: Spatial distribution of benthic flora and fauna in the Plateau rivers (tributaries of the Yamuna and Ganga) in Central India
P Nautiyal, AS Mishra, J Verma, A Agrawal
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 20 (1-2), 43-58, 2017
On the importance of diatoms as ecological indicators in river ecosystems: a review.
SGAS Prateek Srivastava, Jyoti Verma
Indian Journal of Plant Sciences 5 ((1)), 70-86, 2016
The health of benthic diatom assemblages in lower stretch of a lesser Himalayan glacier-fed river, Mandakini
P Nautiyal, AS Mishra, J Verma
Journal of Earth System Science 124, 383-394, 2015
Longitudinal patterns of distribution of epilithic diatoms in a lesser Himalayan stream
J Verma, P Nautiyal
Journal of Hill research 22 (2), 105-109, 2009
Taxonomic Richness and Diversity of the Epilithic Diatom Flora of the Two Biogeographic Regions of the Indian Subcontinent
Bulletin of the National Institute of Ecology 19, 1-4, 2009
Bhagirathi River- An Endangered Ecosystem.
VJSVP Nautiyal P., Shivam A.
Proceeding of National Symposium on Limnology, Department of Aquaculture …, 2007
Distribution of major floral and faunal diversity in the mountain and upper Gangetic Plains zone of the Ganga: Diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fish
P Nautiyal, J Verma, AS Mishra
Our National River Ganga: Lifeline of Millions, 75-119, 2014
Floristic Composition of The Epilithic diatoms of Central Highland Region of Indian Subcontinent; Thalassiosiraceae, Fragilariaceae, Eunotiaceae & Achnanthaceae
J Verma, P Nautiyal
The Journal of Indian Botanical Society 89 (3and4), 397-400, 2010
Eco-taxonomical studies on diatoms from the Chambal River (Central India)
S Grover, P Srivastava, J Verma, AS Khan
Plant Archives 17 (2), 1517-1532, 2017
Diversity of diatoms in the rivers of Bundelkhand Plateau: a multivariate approach for floral patterns
J Verma, P Nautiyal, P Srivastava
Int J Geol Earth Environ Sci 6 (1), 66-77, 2016
Lotic Diatom diversity patterns in mountain chains (North India)
J Verma
Lotic Diatom diversity patterns in mountain chains (North India), 176, 2011
Bio-Management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in tomato (Lycopersicon esculeutum L.)
H Pant, J Verma
ESSENCE Int. J. Env. Rehab. Conserv. IX (2), 60-63, 2018
Ecological state of the diatom assemblages as indicators & water quality of Mandakini basin, Garhwal region (lesser Himalayan streams).
NRVJ Nautiyal P.
National Symposium on Limnology, Department of Aquaculture College of …, 2007
Pennate Diatoms, Gomphonema Ehrenberg from the Vindhya (Central Highland) and the Himalaya.
JVP Nautiyal
Phykos 46 ((1)), 17-20., 2016
Diatoms of the Cymbella sensu lato species of the two different eco-regions of the Indian Mountain Rivers.
J Verma, P Nautiyal, P Srivastava
Ann. Plant Sci 6 (10), 1705-1710, 2017
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Articles 1–20