Sapan H Mankad
Sapan H Mankad
Institute of Technology, Nirma University
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Cited by
Combining user-based and item-based collaborative filtering using machine learning
P Thakkar, K Varma, V Ukani, S Mankad, S Tanwar
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems …, 2019
Impact of autoencoder based compact representation on emotion detection from audio
N Patel, S Patel, SH Mankad
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 13 (2), 867-885, 2022
Predicting learning behaviour of students: Strategies for making the course journey interesting
SH Mankad
2016 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO …, 2016
Development of a novel database in Gujarati language for spoken digits classification
N Dalsaniya, SH Mankad, S Garg, D Shrivastava
Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems: 5th …, 2020
Emotion Recognition from Sensory and Bio-Signals: A Survey
K Vora, S Shah, H Harsoda, J Sheth, S Agarwal, Thakkar, Ankit, ...
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 828, 345-355, 2018
A graph based analysis of user mobility for a smart city project
JP Verma, SH Mankad, S Garg
Next Generation Computing Technologies on Computational Intelligence: 4th …, 2019
GeoHash tag based mobility detection and prediction for traffic management
JPV Verma, SH Mankad, S Garg
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-13, 2020
On the performance of empirical mode decomposition-based replay spoofing detection in speaker verification systems
SH Mankad, S Garg
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 9 (4), 325-339, 2020
Big data analytics: performance evaluation for high availability and fault tolerance using mapreduce framework with hdfs
JP Verma, SH Mankad, S Garg
2018 fifth international conference on parallel, distributed and grid …, 2018
Investigating feature reduction strategies for replay antispoofing in voice biometrics
SH Mankad, S Garg, M Patel, H Adalja
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: 8th International Conference …, 2019
On the performance of cepstral features for voice-based gender recognition
I Kanani, H Shah, SH Mankad
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems …, 2019
Towards Development of Smart and Reliable Voice Based Personal Assistants
SH Mankad, V Shah, S Garg
TENCON 2018-2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2473-2478, 2018
Application of software defined radio for noise reduction using empirical mode decomposition
SH Mankad, SN Pradhan
Advances in Computer Science, Engineering & Applications: Proceedings of the …, 2012
Voice liveness detection under feature fusion and cross-environment scenario
S Garg, SH Mankad
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 26951-26967, 2020
Detecting emotions from human speech: role of gender information
M Gupta, T Patel, SH Mankad, T Vyas
2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 1-6, 2022
IFSC: A database for Indian folk songs classification
A Patel, A Shah, K Gor, SH Mankad
Advances in Speech and Music Technology: Proceedings of FRSM 2020, 171-186, 2021
Smart Inbox: A comparison based approach to classify the incoming mails
JP Verma, SH Mankad
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Discovery 1 …, 2011
Voice based pathology detection from respiratory sounds using optimized classifiers
V Chudasama, K Bhikadiya, SH Mankad, A Patel, MP Mistry
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 13 (1), 327-339, 2023
Karaoke Generation from songs: recent trends and opportunities
P Patel, A Ray, K Thakkar, K Sheth, SH Mankad
2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2022
Detection of Mimicry Attacks on Speaker Verification System for Cartoon Characters’ Dataset
R Anarkat, SH Mankad, P Thakkar, V Ukani
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems …, 2019
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Articles 1–20