Dr. Vani Mathakala
Dr. Vani Mathakala
Assistant professor, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam
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Probiotic conjugated linoleic acid mediated apoptosis in breast cancer cells by downregulation of NFB
RH Kadirareddy, SG Vemuri, UMD Palempalli
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 17 (7), 3395-3403, 2016
Recent trends in waste water treatment and water resource management
SK Ghosh, PD Saha, MF Di
Springer, 2020
Studying the effect of biosilver nanoparticles on polyethylene degradation
V Jayaprakash, UMD Palempalli
Applied Nanoscience 9 (4), 491-504, 2019
Degradation and Detoxification of Congo Red Azo Dye by Immobilized Laccase of Streptomyces sviceus.
B Chakravarthi, V Mathkala, UMD Palempalli
Journal of Pure & Applied Microbiology 15 (2), 2021
Evaluation of in vitro antidiabetic activity of methanolic extract of seagrass Halophila beccarii
M Vani, T Vasavi, MDP Uma
Evaluation 11 (8), 150-153, 2018
Effect of palmitic acid in the acceleration of polyethylene biodegradation by Aspergillus oryzae
V Jayaprakash, UMD Palempalli
J. Pure Appl. Microbiol 12 (4), 2259-2269, 2018
Degradation of polylactide plastic by PLA depolymerase isolated from thermophilic Bacillus
S Prema, UMD Palempalli
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 4 (12), 645-654, 2015
Bioremediation of textile azo dyes by marine Streptomyces
B Chakravarthi, V Mathakala, UMD Palempalli
Recent trends in waste water treatment and water resource management, 129-142, 2020
Therapeutic activity of conjugated linoleic acids synthesized by Lactobacillus plantarum
RH Kadidrareddy, V Mathakala, UMD Palempalli
Int J Pharm Bio Sci 7 (4), 215-223, 2016
Letrozole and fructose-induced polycystic ovaries in the rat: a novel model exhibiting both ovarian and metabolic characteristics for polycystic ovary syndrome in rat
M Vani, DH Gopalan, S Manikandan, V Vijayakumar
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 9 (6), 2238-2243, 2018
Modulation of Pro-Inflammatory Genes By α—Mangostin From Garcinia mangostana
N Atluri, R Holur, V Thirumalanadhuni, UMD Palempalli
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Invent 3, 23-29, 2014
Endophytic microflora: The fountainhead of anticancer metabolites—A systematic review
V Thirumalanadhuni, LL Yerraguravagari, UMD Palempalli
Recent Developments in Applied Microbiology and Biochemistry, 13-20, 2021
Hypocholesterolemic Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus as a Dietary Supplement.
M Vani, MS Prakash, PY Devi
Advances in Computational and Bio-Engineering: Proceeding of the International Conference on Computational and Bio Engineering, 2019, Volume 1
S Jyothi, DM Mamatha, SC Satapathy, KS Raju, MN Favorskaya
Springer Nature, 2020
Sustainable Waste Management
SK Ghosh
Policies and Case, 2018
Molecular characterization and endophytic life style pattern of Cladosporium uredinicola derived from marine brown alga Dictyota dichotoma
V Thirumalanadhuni, UD Palempalli
J Pure Appl Microbiol 12 (3), 1661-1666, 2018
Effect of biologically synthesized iron-oxide nanoparticles insulating layer on current-voltage characteristics of Ni/Cr/Ni/n-GaN Schottky junction
V Manjunath, V Mathakala
Materials Science & Engineering B 299 (299 (2024) 116908), 13, 2023
Seagrass in the control of hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic states of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
M Vani, PUM Devi
Pharmacognosy Journal 12 (6s), 2020
In vivo anti-inflammatory activity of ethyl acetate extract derived from marine Streptomyces carpaticus
Y Latha, VM Vasavithirumalanadhuni, PUM Devi
Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res 8, 5221-5226, 2017
Molecular Docking of Bacterial Laccases for the Decolorization of Textile Reactive Azo Dyes
UMD Palemaplli, V Mathakala
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational and Bio …, 2021
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Articles 1–20