Dr. N B Thippeswamy
Dr. N B Thippeswamy
Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Kuvempu University
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Antioxidant potency of cumin varieties—cumin, black cumin and bitter cumin—on antioxidant systems
NB Thippeswamy, KA Naidu
European food research and technology 220 (5), 472-476, 2005
Inhibition of human low density lipoprotein oxidation by active principles from spices
K Akhilender Naidu, NB Thippeswamy
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 229, 19-23, 2002
Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of phenolic extract from Carum carvi L.
NB Thippeswamy, KA Naidu, RN Achur
Journal of pharmacy research 7 (4), 352-357, 2013
Optimized Solid-State Fermentation Medium Enhances the Multienzymes Production from Penicillium citrinum and Aspergillus clavatus
BR Shruthi, NHA Rajeshwara, NB Thippeswamy
Current Microbiology 77 (9), 2192-2206, 2020
Indian scorpions collected in Karnataka: maintenance in captivity, venom extraction and toxicity studies
SK Nagaraj, P Dattatreya, TN Boramuthi
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases 21 (1), 1-7, 2015
Free radical scavenging and insecticidal activity of Elaeagnus kologa Schldl.
KS Vinayaka, TRP Kekuda, HR Nethravathi, NB Thippeswamy, ...
Drug Invention Today 1 (1), 74-77, 2009
“Impact of scorpion venom as an acute stressor on the neuroendocrine-immunological network”
NBT K.N. Santhosh, D Pavana
Toxicon 122, 113-118, 2016
Inhibitory effect of phenolic extract of carum carvi on inflammatory enzymes, hyaluronidase and trypsin
NB Thippeswamy, RN Achur, S Shankaraghatta
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 350-356, 2014
Studies on antioxidant and anthelmintic activity of Gnidia glauca (Fresen) Gilg.
HR Nethravathi, TRP Kekuda, KS Vinayaka, NB Thippeswamy, ...
Antibacterial and antidiarrheal activity of Simarouba amara (Aubl.) bark
H Veena, N Navya, GK Sandesh, NB Thippeswamy
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 9 (5), 088-096, 2019
Computational prediction of B and T-cell epitopes of Kyasanur Forest Disease virus marker proteins towards the development of precise diagnosis and potent subunit vaccine
S Hafeez, R Achur, SK Kiran, NB Thippeswamy
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 41 (18), 9157-9176, 2023
Phytochemical analysis of Simarouba glauca DC and its antibacterial activity against MDR Salmonella Typhi
N Nagaraj, V Hegde, SK Gowda, RN Achur, NB Thippeswamy
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 13 (6), 351-356, 2021
Molecular mechanism of Escherichia coli H10407 induced diarrhoea and its control through immunomodulatory action of bioactives from Simarouba amara (Aubl.)
H Veena, SK Gowda, RN Achur, NB Thippeswamy
Journal of Microbiology 59, 435-447, 2021
Phytochemical screening and Antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Scleropyrum pentandrum (Dennst.) Mabb (Santalaceae)
S Soundarya, S Banakar, B Thippeswamy, NB Thippeswamy, ...
Research and Reviews in Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2 (1&2), 40-43, 2011
Protein profile of scorpion venom from Hottentotta rugiscutis and its immunogenic potential in inducing long term memory response
KN Santhosh, D Pavana, BR Shruthi, NB Thippeswamy
Toxicon 205, 71-78, 2022
Isolation of Potential Extracellular Hydrolytic Enzymes producing Fungi from Western Ghats, Karnataka
NB Thippeswamy
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 13 (5), 2081-2086, 2020
Ebola Virus Disease
NB Thippeswamy
New Horizons in Biotechnology, 007-014, 2015
Studies on antibacterial and anthelmintic activity of Elaeagnus kologa SCHLDL
NBT T.R. Prashith Kekuda, H.R. Nethravathi , K.S. Vinayaka
Journal of Pharmacy Research 2 (12), 2009
Scorpion venom exhibits adjuvant effect by eliciting HBsAg-specific Th1 immunity through neuro-endocrine interactions
KN Santhosh, D Ramesh, D Ramesh, U Nagaraj, S Shrinidhi, ...
Molecular Immunology 147, 136-146, 2022
Outbreak of Kyasanur Forest Disease in Shivamogga, Karnataka State, India, during 2015
NB Thippeswamy, SK Kiran
SOJ veterinary sciences 3 (1), 1-3, 2017
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Articles 1–20