Shashank Pathak
Shashank Pathak
Assistant Professor, IIT Mandi (School of Civil & Environmental Engineering)
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A pole-zero based criterion for optimal placement of collocated sensor-actuator pair
D Piron, S Pathak, A Deraemaeker, C Collette
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 155, 107533, 2021
Shear strength parameters of granite rock mass: A case study
GV Ramana, P Shashank, H Dev
Geotechnical Characterisation and Geoenvironmental Engineering: IGC 2016 …, 2019
On nonstationarity-related errors in modal combination rules of the response spectrum method
S Pathak, VK Gupta
Journal of Sound and Vibration 407, 106-127, 2017
Air-blast Induced Ground Displacement
S Pathak, GV Ramana
Procedia Engineering 173, 555-562, 2017
Statistical Approach for Rock Mass Deformability Characterization
S Pathak, GV Ramana, VK Gupta, H Dev, R Singh
Indian Geotechnical Conference on Geotechnical Advances and Novel …, 2013
Intensity based casualty models: Case study of bhuj and latur earthquake in india
SK Jain, S Pathak
Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1-10, 2012
On transmission Zeros of piezoelectric structures
S Pathak, D Piron, A Paknejad, C Collette, A Deraemaeker
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 33 (12), 1538-1561, 2022
On the link between pole-zero distance and maximum reachable damping in MIMO systems
D Piron, S Pathak, A Deraemaeker, C Collette
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 181, 109519, 2022
In-situ normal stiffness of rock mass
R Singh, S Pathak
4th Indian Rock Conference. Solan, Himachal Pradesh:[sn], 181-188, 2013
Active vibration mitigation of bladed structures with piezoelectric patches by decentralized positive position feedback controller
A Paknejad, R Jamshidi, S Pathak, C Collette
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 145 (2), 021003, 2023
Probabilistic Characterization of Nuclear-Blast Loads
S Pathak, GV Ramana
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (5), 04020055, 2020
A first order quantification of effects of uncertainties in hydro-fracturing parameters on tunnel ovalization estimates
S Pathak, GV Ramana
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 37, 3049-3064, 2019
Behaviour of gneiss rock mass under repetitive cyclic loading
P Senthil, P Shashank, DV Sarwade, H Dev
Indian Conference of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 01-02, 2019
Quantification of Variation in Rock Mass Deformability
S Pathak, GV Ramana, D Hari
6th annual rock conference, IIT Bombay, June 2016, Indorock-2016, 2016
Anisotropic variability in modulus of deformation of biotitic rock mass
GV Ramana, S Pathak, H Dev, KK Mishra, SL Gupta
Indorock-2016–6 th Indian Rock Conference, Mumbai, India, 604-613, 2016
Probabilistic interpretation of in-situ shear test data
S Pathak, G Ramana, H Dev, R Singh
Proceedings of 50th indian geotechnical conference (college of engineering …, 2015
Normal Stress Dependent Deformability of Rock Mass
S Pathak, R Yadav, GV Ramana, H Dev
5th Young Indian Geotechnical Engineers Conference, 14-15 March 2015, Baroda, 2015
Shear strength of Deccan granite rock mass in open trench
GV Ramana, S Pathak, RS Hari Dev, VK Gupta
INDOROCK-2014, 5th Indian rock conference on underground construction for …, 2014
Permanent Deformation Modulus of Rock-Mass
S Pathak, GV Ramana, H Dev, R Singh
Indian Geotechnical Conference, IGC-2014 on Geotechnics for Inclusive …, 2014
In-situ deformability and strength characteristics of Himalayan granites
S Pathak, GV Ramana, H Dev, R Singh
ISRM India Journal-Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian National Group of …, 2014
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Articles 1–20