Dr. Jagadeesh Sure
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Cited by
Facile electrochemical synthesis of nanoscale (TiNbTaZrHf) C high‐entropy carbide powder
J Sure, D Sri Maha Vishnu, HK Kim, C Schwandt
Angewandte Chemie 132 (29), 11928-11933, 2020
Electrochemical synthesis of porous Ti-Nb alloys for biomedical applications
DSM Vishnu, J Sure, Y Liu, RV Kumar, C Schwandt
Materials Science and Engineering: C 96, 466-478, 2019
Direct electrochemical synthesis of high-entropy alloys from metal oxides
CS Jagadeesh Sure, D. Sri Maha Vishnu
Applied Materials Today 9, 111-121, 2017
Molten salt corrosion of high density graphite and partially stabilized zirconia coated high density graphite in molten LiCl–KCl salt
J Sure, AR Shankar, S Ramya, UK Mudali
Ceramics International 38 (4), 2803-2812, 2012
Corrosion behaviour of carbon materials exposed to molten lithium chloride–potassium chloride salt
J Sure, AR Shankar, S Ramya, C Mallika, UK Mudali
Carbon 67, 643-655, 2014
Solid state electrochemically synthesised β-SiC nanowires as the anode material in lithium ion batteries
DSM Vishnu, J Sure, HK Kim, RV Kumar, C Schwandt
Energy Storage Materials 26, 234-241, 2020
Electrochemical conversion of oxide spinels into high-entropy alloy
J Sure, DSM Vishnu, C Schwandt
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 776, 133-141, 2019
Investigating corrosion behavior of Ni and Ni-20Cr in molten ZnCl2
SK Gill, J Sure, Y Wang, B Layne, L He, S Mahurin, W James F., K Sasaki
Corrosion Science 179, 109105, 2021
Surface modification of plasma sprayed Al2O3–40 wt% TiO2 coatings by pulsed Nd: YAG laser melting
J Sure, AR Shankar, UK Mudali
Optics & Laser Technology 48, 366-374, 2013
Determining oxidation states of transition metals in molten salt corrosion using electron energy loss spectroscopy
LH Kaustubh Bawane, Panayotis Manganaris, Yachun Wang, Jagadeesh Sure ...
Scripta Materialia 197, 113790, 2021
Microstructural characterization of plasma sprayed Al2O3-40 wt.% TiO2 coatings on high density graphite with different post-treatments
J Sure, AR Shankar, BN Upadhyay, UK Mudali
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (23), 4741-4749, 2012
Effect of loading methods on the performance of hierarchical porous carbon/sulfur composites in lithium sulfur batteries
B Zhang, Z Guo, Y Zhao, B Luo, D Li, T Zhao, J Sure, SM Vishnu, ...
Electrochimica Acta 388, 138650, 2021
Nano-Fe3O4/Carbon Nanotubes Composites by One-Pot Microwave Solvothermal Method for Supercapacitor Applications
SK Park, J Sure, DSM Vishnu, SJ Jo, WC Lee, IA Ahmad, HK Kim
Energies 14 (10), 2908, 2021
Corrosion of high density graphite anodes during direct electrochemical de-oxidation of solid oxides in molten CaCl2 medium
DSM Vishnu, J Sure, KS Mohandas
Carbon 93, 782-792, 2015
Evaluation of plasma sprayed alumina–40 wt% titania and partially stabilized zirconia coatings on high density graphite for uranium melting application
J Sure, CJ Rao, P Venkatesh, BP Reddy, C Mallika, UK Mudali
Ceramics International 40 (5), 6509-6523, 2014
Microstructural characterization and chemical compatibility of pulsed laser deposited yttria coatings on high density graphite
J Sure, M Mishra, M Tarini, AR Shankar, NG Krishna, P Kuppusami, ...
Thin solid films 544, 218-223, 2013
Preparation of refractory high-entropy alloys by electro-deoxidation and the effect of heat treatment on microstructure and hardness
J Sure, D Sri Maha Vishnu, C Schwandt
JOM 72 (11), 3895-3905, 2020
Sri Maha Vishnu D, Kim HK, Schwandt C. Facile electrochemical synthesis of nanoscale (TiNbTaZrHf) C high-entropy carbide powder
J Sure
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 59 (29), 11830-11835, 2020
Phase composition, microstructure, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of molten salt electrochemically synthesised Ti–Nb–Sn biomedical alloys
DSM Vishnu, J Sure, RV Kumar, C Schwandt
Materials transactions 60 (3), 422-428, 2019
Molten salt electrochemical synthesis, heat treatment and microhardness of Ti–5Ta–2Nb alloy
J Sure, DSM Vishnu, RV Kumar, C Schwandt
Materials transactions 60 (3), 391-399, 2019
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Articles 1–20