Dr Wandahun L Reenbohn
Cited by
Cited by
Periodically driven underdamped periodic and washboard potential systems: Dynamical states and stochastic resonance
WL Reenbohn, SS Pohlong, MC Mahato
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (3 …, 2012
Dynamical states, stochastic resonance, and ratchet effect in a biharmonically driven sinusoidal potential
WL Reenbohn, MC Mahato
Physical Review E 91 (5), 052151, 2015
Particle dynamics in a symmetrically driven underdamped inhomogeneous periodic potential system
D Kharkongor, WL Reenbohn, MC Mahato
Physical Review E 94 (2), 022148, 2016
Relative stability of dynamical states and stochastic resonance in a sinusoidal potential
WL Reenbohn, MC Mahato
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Motional dispersions and ratchet effect in inertial systems
WL Reenbohn, S Saikia, R Roy, MC Mahato
Pramana 71, 297-306, 2008
Net particle current in an adiabatically driven unbiased inhomogeneous inertial system in aperiodic potential
WL Reenbohn, MC Mahato
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2009 (03), P03011, 2009
Inertial frictional ratchets and their load bearing efficiencies
D Kharkongor, WL Reenbohn, MC Mahato
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2018 (3), 033209, 2018
Coupling-Induced Synchronized Motion and Stochastic Resonance in Overdamped Dimers
D Agrawal, WL Reenbohn
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.17355, 2024
Escape rate of a dimer under the influence of additive colored noise: Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
E Lyngdoh, WL Reenbohn
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 651, 129975, 2024
Langevin’s Equation of Motion: Dynamical States and Stochastic Resonance
SK Bani, WL Reenbohn, D Kharkongor, SS Pohlong
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2603 (1), 012047, 2023
Stochastic Resonance in Periodic Potentials Revisited
WL Reenbohn, SS Pohlong, MC Mahato
arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.0880, 2012
Ratchet effect in inhomogeneous inertial systems: I. Adiabatic case
WL Reenbohn, MC Mahato
arXiv preprint arXiv:0807.2725, 2008
Study of particle motion in underdamped periodic systems
WL Reenbohn
Shillong, 0
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Articles 1–13