Gaurav Kumar Gupta
Gaurav Kumar Gupta
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering in GLA University Mathura
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An evaluation of the ocular drying effects of 2 systemic antihistamines: loratadine and cetirizine hydrochloride
GW Ousler, KA Wilcox, G Gupta, MB Abelson, K Fink
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 93 (5), 460-464, 2004
Increasing availability of stateful applications
P Dournov, L Irun-Briz, M Khutomenko, C Sanders, G Gupta, A Hassan, ...
US Patent 8,935,375, 2015
A literature review on industrially accepted MPPT techniques for solar PV system
I Yadav, SK Maurya, GK Gupta
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 10 (2 …, 2020
Microporosity: Characterization, distribution, and influence on oil recovery
SM Fullmer, SA Guidry, J Gournay, E Bowlin, G Ottinger, A Al Neyadi, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D041S062R001, 2014
WiiArts: Creating collaborative art experience with WiiRemote interaction
HJ Lee, H Kim, G Gupta, A Mazalek
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded …, 2008
A safe policy learning-based method for decentralized and economic frequency control in isolated networked-microgrid systems
Y Xia, Y Xu, Y Wang, S Mondal, S Dasgupta, AK Gupta, GM Gupta
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13 (4), 1982-1993, 2022
Profile of the retina by optical coherence tomography in the pediatric age group
G Gupta, JP Donahue, T You
American journal of ophthalmology 144 (2), 309-310, 2007
A review on cooling techniques used for photovoltaic panels
KK Dixit, I Yadav, GK Gupta, SK Maurya
2020 International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in …, 2020
Microgrid implementation in unbalanced nature of feeder using conventional technique
Y Kumar, M Pushkarna, G Gupta
2020 3rd international conference on intelligent sustainable systems (ICISS …, 2020
Media sharing during a video call
S Ravi, S Ravi, J Zullo, A Mavlankar, G Gupta
US Patent App. 13/470,336, 2012
An evaluation of digital rock physics technology for the prediction of relative permeability and capillary pressure for a middle eastern carbonate reservoir
K Guice, L Lun, B Gao, R Gupta, G Gupta, JG Kralik, R Glotzbach, ...
International Petroleum Technology Conference, IPTC-17288-MS, 2014
Particle swarm intelligence based dynamic economic dispatch with daily load patterns including valve point effect
GK Gupta, S Goyal
2017 3rd International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in …, 2017
Goal state communication in computer clusters
SP Rewaskar, MU Azad, CM Sanders, S Syed, CT Lenzmeier, G Gupta
US Patent 8,719,402, 2014
Emerging Profile of Online Shoppers in India: an Empirical Investigation and Implications
M Agrawal, V Sandhir, G Gupta
ACR Asia-Pacific Advances, 2009
The time course of chromatic adaptation under immersive illumination
G Gupta, N Gross, R Pastilha, A Hurlbert
BioRxiv, 2020.03. 10.984567, 2020
Temporal dynamics of daylight perception: Detection thresholds
R Pastilha, G Gupta, N Gross, A Hurlbert
Journal of vision 20 (13), 18-18, 2020
Microporosity: Characterization, distribution, and influence on oil recovery: International Petroleum Technology Conference, Doha, Qatar, January 19–22, 2014, IPTC Paper 17629 …
SM Fullmer, SA Guidry, J Gournay, E Bowlin, G Ottinger, A Al Neyadi, ...
IPTC-17629-MS, 2014
Pericardial-peritoneal window: A novel palliative treatment for malignant and recurrent cardiac tamponade
AA Kallianpur, SS Samra, V Nimbran, R Gupta, C Akkarappatty, N Gupta, ...
Indian Journal of Palliative Care 19 (2), 116, 2013
Diagnosing and managing anterior uveitis
M Abelson, CS Foster, G Gupta
Rev Ophthalmol 9, 110-114, 2002
Testing the use of spectrally tunable lighting systems to improve comfort, alertness and sleep quality in indoor working environments
A Llenas, A Hurlbert, F Lam, R Manudhane, G Gupta, J Giddings, ...
Proceedings of the 29th CIE SESSION 2019, 830-837, 2019
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Articles 1–20