Lavanya Shanmugavel
Lavanya Shanmugavel
Anna University, Chennai
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Cited by
Design of SOP based cross-layered opportunistic routing protocol for CR ad-hoc networks
S Lavanya, MA Bhagyaveni
Wireless Personal Communications 96, 6543-6556, 2017
EVM based rate maximized relay selection for cooperative cognitive radio networks
S Lavanya, MA Bhagyaveni
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 104, 86-90, 2019
Implementation of an adaptive spectrum sensing technique in cognitive radio networks
S Lavanya, B Sindhuja, MA Bhagyaveni
2015 International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies …, 2015
Opportunistic AODV routing protocol for cognitive radio wireless sensor networks
S Gousalya, S Lavanya, MA Bhagyaveni
2016 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2016
Performance analysis of cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using game theory
S Lavanya, MA Bhagyaveni
2016 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing …, 2016
Design of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based spectrum access in CR networks using game theory
L Shanmugavel, F Janet, MA Bhagyaveni
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Articles 1–6