Mangesh Bedekar Ph.D.
Mangesh Bedekar Ph.D.
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune, Bharat
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Cited by
D-CNN: A New model for Generating Image Captions with Text Extraction Using Deep Learning for Visually Challenged Individuals
DMB Madhuri Bhalekar
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 12 (2), 8366-8373, 2022
Intelligent Twitter spam detection: a hybrid approach
V Vishwarupe, M Bedekar, M Pande, A Hiwale
Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability: Proceedings of WS4 …, 2018
Human Emotion Recognition using Physiological Signals: A Survey
A Chunawale, MV Bedekar
2nd International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP), 2020
Zone specific weather monitoring system using crowdsourcing and telecom infrastructure
V Vishwarupe, M Bedekar, S Zahoor
2015 international conference on information processing (ICIP), 823-827, 2015
User implicit interest indicators learned from the browser on the client side
S Zahoor, M Bedekar, PK Kosamkar
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information and …, 2014
Air quality index forecasting using parallel dense neural network and LSTM cell
A Barve, VM Singh, S Shrirao, M Bedekar
2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 1-4, 2020
Web Search Personalization by User Profiling
MV Bedekar, B Deshpande, R Joshi
2008 First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and …, 2008
Cartoon films and its impact on children’s mentality
M Bedekar, P Joshi
Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary 5 (6), 13-18, 2020
Analysing human feelings by affective computing-survey
TS Saini, M Bedekar, S Zahoor
2016 International Conference on Computing Communication Control and …, 2016
Driving Control Using Emotion Analysis Via EEG
C Bankar, A Bhide, A Kulkarni, C Ghube, M Bedekar
2018 IEEE Punecon, 1-7, 2018
Different Methods Review for Speech to Text and Text to Speech Conversion
D Kothadiya, N Pise, M Bedekar
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 2020
Inferring emotional state of a user by user profiling
BS Atote, TS Saini, M Bedekar, S Zahoor
2016 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics …, 2016
Data Analytics in the Game of Cricket: A Novel Paradigm
V Vishwarupe, M Bedekar, PM Joshi, M Pande, V Pawar, P Shingote
Procedia Computer Science 204, 937-944, 2022
Generation of image captions using VGG and ResNet CNN models cascaded with RNN approach
M Bhalekar, S Sureka, S Joshi, M Bedekar
International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing, 27-42, 2019
User web search behaviour
M Kutub, R Prachetaa, M Bedekar
2010 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and …, 2010
Mobidsl-a domain specific langauge for mobile web applications: developing applications for mobile platform without web programming
AA Kejriwal, M Bedekar
The 9th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, Orlando, USA 10, 2009
Uniqueness in user behavior while using the web
S Zahoor, M Bedekar, V Mane, V Vishwarupe
Proceedings of the International Congress on Information and Communication …, 2016
A framework to infer webpage relevancy for a user
S Zahoor, M Bedekar, V Vishwarupe
Proceedings of First International Conference on Information and …, 2016
Intelligent Classroom System for Qualitative Analysis of Students' Conceptual Understanding
J Talwar, S Ranjani, A Aras, M Bedekar
2013 6th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and …, 2013
Personalization of Web search results based on user profiling
S Gupta, S Jain, M Kazi, BM Deshpande, M Bedekar, K Kapoor
2008 First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and …, 2008
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Articles 1–20