Professor of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
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Artificial neural network and support vector machine approach for locating faults in radial distribution systems
D Thukaram, HP Khincha, HP Vijaynarasimha
IEEE transactions on power delivery 20 (2), 710-721, 2005
A robust three phase power flow algorithm for radial distribution systems
D Thukaram, HMW Banda, J Jerome
Electric Power Systems Research 50 (3), 227-236, 1999
Congestion management in open access based on relative electrical distances using voltage stability criteria
G Yesuratnam, D Thukaram
Electric power systems research 77 (12), 1608-1618, 2007
Optimal reactive power dispatch algorithm for voltage stability improvement
BD Thukaram, K Parthasarathy
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 18 (7), 461-468, 1996
Selection of static VAR compensator location and size for system voltage stability improvement
D Thukaram, A Lomi
Electric power systems research 54 (2), 139-150, 2000
Application of support vector machines for fault diagnosis in power transmission system
B Ravikumar, D Thukaram, HP Khincha
IET generation, transmission & distribution 2 (1), 119-130, 2008
Coordination of reactive power in grid-connected wind farms for voltage stability enhancement
VSS Kumar, KK Reddy, D Thukaram
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (5), 2381-2390, 2014
ANN applications in fault locators
GK Purushothama, AU Narendranath, D Thukaram, K Parthasarathy
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 23 (6), 491-506, 2001
Voltage stability improvement: case studies of Indian power networks
D Thukaram, K Parthasarathy, HP Khincha, N Udupa, A Bansilal
Electric power systems research 44 (1), 35-44, 1998
A new intelligent algorithm for online voltage stability assessment and monitoring
S Kamalasadan, D Thukaram, AK Srivastava
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 31 (2-3), 100-110, 2009
A novel index for identification of weak nodes for reactive compensation to improve voltage stability
T Moger, T Dhadbanjan
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (14), 1826-1834, 2015
A robust three-phase state estimation algorithm for distribution networks
D Thukaram, J Jerome, C Surapong
Electric Power Systems Research 55 (3), 191-200, 2000
Improvement of system security with unified-power-flow controller at suitable locations under network contingencies of interconnected systems
D Thukaram, L Jenkins, K Visakha
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 152 (5), 682-690, 2005
Optimal reactive power dispatch in a large power system with AC–DC and FACTS controllers
D Thukaram, G Yesuratnam
IET generation, transmission & distribution 2 (1), 71-81, 2008
Application of UPFC for system security improvement under normal and network contingencies
K Visakha, D Thukaram, L Jenkins
Electric Power Systems Research 70 (1), 46-55, 2004
A neural network based power system stabilizer suitable for on-line training-a practical case study for EGAT system
B Changaroon, SC Srivastava, D Thukaram
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 15 (1), 103-109, 2000
Optimum allocation of reactive power for voltage stability improvement in AC–DC power systems
D Thukaram, L Jenkins, K Visakha
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 153 (2), 237-246, 2006
A fuzzy control for network overload alleviation
AN Udupa, GK Purushothama, K Parthasarathy, D Thukaram
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 23 (2), 119-128, 2001
Transmission charges of power contracts based on relative electrical distances in open access
K Visakha, D Thukaram, L Jenkins
Electric Power Systems Research 70 (2), 153-161, 2004
An expert fuzzy control approach to voltage stability enhancement
AN Udupa, D Thukaram, K Parthasarathy
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 21 (4), 279-287, 1999
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Articles 1–20