Dr. Srikant Balasubramaniam
Dr. Srikant Balasubramaniam
Asso. Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, BYL Nair Hospital, Mumbai, India
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Gamma knife radiosurgery in jugular foramen endolymphatic sac adenocarcinoma
S Balasubramaniam, RB Deshpande, BK Misra
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 16 (5), 710-711, 2009
A massive cervicomedullary intramedullary spinal cord lipoma
AS Chagla, S Balasubramaniam, AH Goel
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 15 (7), 817-820, 2008
Analysis of factors influencing outcome of depressed fracture of skull
R Satardey, S Balasubramaniam, J Pandya, R Mahey
Asian journal of neurosurgery 13 (02), 341-347, 2018
Glioblastoma multiforme of the conus medullaris with holocordal spread
V Bonde, S Balasubramaniam, A Goel
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 15 (5), 601-603, 2008
Giant primary ossified cavernous hemangioma of the skull in an adult: a rare calvarial tumor
DK Tyagi, S Balasubramaniam, HV Sawant
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 2 (2), 174, 2011
Primary Ewing’s sarcoma of the petroclival bone
S Balasubramaniam, T Nadkarni, R Menon, A Goel, P Rajashekaran
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 15 (6), 712-714, 2008
Primary calcified hydatid cyst of the brain
D Tyagi, S Balasubramaniam, H Sawant
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 1 (2), 115, 2010
Cervical intramedullary tuberculoma in an infant: Case illustration
AS Chagla, S Udayakumaran, S Balasubramaniam
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 106 (3), 243-243, 2007
Massive benign osteoblastoma of the suboccipital bone and foramen magnum region
D Muzumdar, S Balasubramaniam, S Jhawar, A Goel
Pediatric Neurosurgery 46 (3), 232-237, 2010
Cerebral N-butyl cyanoacrylate glue–induced abscess complicating embolization: Case illustration
AS Chagla, S Balasubramaniam
Journal of neurosurgery 109 (2), 347-347, 2008
Outcome analysis of ventriculoperitoneal shunt procedures in hydrocephalus due to tubercular meningitis and non-infective cases
DK Tyagi, S Balasubramaniam, SA Jayaswal, HV Savant, AS Gandhi
Int J Contemp Pediatr 3 (4), 1210-1215, 2016
Everted skull fracture
S Balasubramaniam, DK Tyagi, HV Savant
World Neurosurgery 76 (5), 479. e1-479. e3, 2011
Tuberculous temporal brain abscess mimicking otogenic pyogenic abscess
D Muzumdar, S Balasubramaniam, S Melkundi
Pediatric Neurosurgery 45 (3), 220-224, 2009
Intramedullary enterogenous cyst of the conus medullaris presenting as lower limb pain
S Balasubramaniam, DK Tyagi, HV Sawant
Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine 2 (1), 46-48, 2011
Outcome analysis in cases of spinal conus cauda ependymoma
S Balasubramaniam, DK Tyagi, KI Desai, MP Dighe
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 10 (9), PC12, 2016
Intraparenchymal pericatheter cyst following disconnection of ventriculoperitoneal shunt system
S Balasubramaniam, DK Tyagi, HV Sawant
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 59 (3), 232-234, 2013
Posterior fossa involvement in a recurrent gliosarcoma
S Balasubramaniam, DK Tyagi, HV Sawant, S Epari
Journal of neurosciences in rural practice 3 (1), 60, 2012
Simultaneous thalamic and cerebellar hypertensive haemorrhages
S Balasubramaniam, TD Nadkarni, A Goel
Neurology India 55 (2), 183-184, 2007
Giant parietal lobe infantile gliosarcoma in a 5-year-old child
HV Savant, S Balasubramaniam, V Mahajan
Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences 10 (2), 159-161, 2015
Coexistent intracerebral metastatic melanoma and meningioma
SV Shinde, AS Shenoy, HV Savant, SB Balasubramaniam
Neurology India 65 (1), 110-112, 2017
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Articles 1–20