Prosenjit Das, PhD
Prosenjit Das, PhD
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
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Tensile and impact-toughness behaviour of cryorolled Al 7075 alloy
P Das, R Jayaganthan, IV Singh
Materials & Design 32 (3), 1298-1305, 2011
Fatigue behaviour and crack growth rate of cryorolled Al 7075 alloy
P Das, R Jayaganthan, T Chowdhury, IV Singh
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (24), 7124-7132, 2011
Optimization of degree of sphericity of primary phase during cooling slope casting of A356 Al alloy: Taguchi method and regression analysis
P Das, SK Samanta, R Das, P Dutta
Measurement 55, 605-615, 2014
Microstructural Evolution of A356 Al Alloy During Flow Along a Cooling Slope
P Das, SK Samanta, BRK Venkatpathi, H Chattopadhyay, P Dutta
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 1-4, 2012
Eulerian two-phase flow simulation and experimental validation of semisolid slurry generation process using cooling slope
P Das, SK Samanta, H Chattopadhyay, BB Sharma, P Dutta
Materials Science and Technology 29 (1), 83-92, 2013
Effect of pouring temperature on cooling slope casting of semi-solid Al-Si-Mg alloy
P Das, SK Samanta, H Chattopadhyay, P Dutta
Acta Metall. Sin.(Engl. Lett.) 25 (5), 329-339, 2012
Studies on die filling of A356 Al alloy and development of a steering knuckle component using rheo pressure die casting system
P Das, B Bhuniya, SK Samanta, P Dutta
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 271, 293-311, 2019
Microstructure evolution and rheological behavior of cooling slope processed Al-Si-Cu-Fe alloy slurry
P Das, SK Samanta, S Bera, P Dutta
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 2243-2256, 2016
Rheological behavior of Al-7Si-0.3 Mg alloy at mushy state
P Das, SK Samanta, P Dutta
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 46, 1302-1313, 2015
Semisolid processing of A380 Al alloy using cooling slope
P Das, M Kumar, SK Samanta, P Dutta, D Ghosh
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 29 (4), 422-428, 2014
Phase field modelling of microstructure evolution and ripening driven grain growth during cooling slope processing of A356 Al alloy
P Das, P Dutta
Computational Materials Science 125, 8-19, 2016
Study of Microstructure Evolution during Semi-Solid Processing of an in-Situ Al Alloy Composite
SKS Santosh Kumara, Prosenjit Das, Sandeep K. Tiwaria, Manas K. Mondal ...
Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2014
Mechanical properties and tensile fracture mechanism of rheocast A356 Al alloy using cooling slope
P Das, SK Samanta, T Ray, BRK Venkatpathi
Advanced Materials Research 585, 354-358, 2012
An experimental evaluation of material properties and fracture simulation of cryorolled 7075 Al alloy
P Das, IV Singh, R Jayaganthan
Journal of materials engineering and performance 21, 1167-1181, 2012
Rheological characterization of semi-solid A356 aluminium alloy
P Das, SK Samanta, H Chattopadhyay, P Dutta, N Barman
Solid State Phenomena 192, 329-334, 2013
Phase Field Simulation of Equiaxed Microstructure Formation during Semi-solid Processing of A380 Al Alloy
PKPD Prosenjit DAS, Sudip Kumar SAMANTA
ISIJ International 54 (7), 1601-1610, 2014
Multiphase model of semisolid slurry generation and isothermal holding during cooling slope rheoprocessing of A356 Al alloy
P Das, SK Samanta, B Mondal, P Dutta
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 49, 1925-1944, 2018
Evaluation of primary phase morphology of cooling slope cast Al-Si-Mg alloy samples using image texture analysis
P Das, S Dutta, SK Samanta
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2013
Crack growth simulation of bulk and ultrafine grained 7075 Al alloy by XFEM
P Das, IV Singh, R Jayaganthan
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 44 (3-4), 252-276, 2012
Improvement of Fracture Toughness (K1c) of 7075 Al Alloy by Cryorolling Process
P Das, R Jayaganthan, T Chowdhury, I Singh
Materials Science Forum 683, 81-94, 2011
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Articles 1–20