Lead Engineer, Sankalp Semiconductor (An HCL Technologies Company)
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Cited by
Optimal design of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor analogue circuits: An evolutionary approach
S Ghosh, BP De, R Kar, D Mandal, AK Mal
Computers & Electrical Engineering 80, 1-19, 2019
Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm for Optimal Design of CMOS Two-stage Op-amp with Nulling Resistor and Robust Bias Circuit
S Ghosh, BP De, R Kar, AK Mal
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 13 (5), 679-688, 2019
Optimal Design Of 5.5 GHz Low Power, High Gain CMOS LNA Using Flower Pollination Algorithm
S Ghosh, BP De, R Kar, D Mandal, AK Mal
Journal of Computational Electronics 18 (2), 737-747, 2019
Fast and Optimized Design of a Differential VCO using Symbolic Technique and Multi Objective Algorithms
M Panda, SK Patnaik, AK Mal, S Ghosh
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 13 (8), 1187-1195, 2019
Optimal Design Of Ultra-Low-Power 2.4 GHz LNA For IEEE 802.15.4/Bluetooth Applications
S Ghosh, BP De, KB Maji, R Kar, D Mandal, AK Mal
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 29 (16), 2050261-1-2050261-19, 2020
Optimization of Electrical Parameters for the Gate Stack Double Gate (GSDG) MOSFET using Simplex-PSO Algorithm
D Chowdhury, BP De, KB Maji, S Ghosh, R Kar, D Mandal
2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 334-336, 2019
Voltage-Controlled Ring Oscillator for Harmonic Frequency Generation
S Mal, AK Mal, S Ghosh
Intelligent Computing and Applications, 277-286, 2015
Optimization of Subthreshold Parameters for Graded Channel Gate Stack Double Gate (GCGSDG) MOSFET Using Craziness-Based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
D Chowdhury, BP De, KB Maji, S Ghosh, R Kar, D Mandal, S Bhunia
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 602, 203-211, 2019
An Evolutionary-based Design Methodology for Performance Enhancement of a Folded-Cascode OTA using Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm and gm/ID Technique
M Panda, SK Patnaik, AK Mal, S Ghosh
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 105 (2), 215-227, 2020
Optimal Design of 2.4 GHz ISM Band CMOS LNA Using the Cat Swarm Optimization Algorithm
R Das, BP De, SK Dash, S Ghosh, R Kar, D Mandal
Journal of Electronic Materials 53 (7), 3614 - 3625, 2024
Optimization of Subthreshold Parameters of Graded-Channel Gate-Stack Double-Gate (GC-GS-DG) MOSFET Using PSO-CFIWA
D Chowdhury, BP De, S Ghosh, NK Singh, R Kar, D Mandal
Micro and Nanoelectronics Devices, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings …, 2022
Design of Low-Noise Amplifier with High CMRR for Sensor Application
D Jana, S Ghosh, R Krishna, S Mandal, AK Mal
Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms, 1-10, 2018
Optimal CMOS Analog Amplifier Circuit Design Using a Modified PSO for Consumer Electronic Applications
R Das, BP De, S Ghosh, R Kar, D Mandal, B Appasani
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2024, 1-14, 2024
Development and Performance Evaluation of Optimal Low Phase Noise and Wide Tuning Range Current-Starved VCO Using Multi-objective Salp Swarm Algorithm
S Kumar Dash, B Prasad De, S Ghosh, NK Rout, G Panda
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2024
Optimization of Electrical Parameters for the Gate Stack Double Gate (GSDG) Mosfet Using PSO Variants
D Chowdhury, BP De, KB Maji, SGR Kar, D Mandal, S Bhunia
International Journal of Nanoscience, 2019
Analog amplifier design in short-channel MOSFET using alpha-power model
S Ghosh, S Mal, AK Mal
2015 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems …, 2015
Amplifier Design Optimization in CMOS
S Ghosh, AK Mal, S Mal
Intelligent Computing and Applications, 287-297, 2015
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Articles 1–17