Akash Nag
Akash Nag
Lead AVP - Data & Analytics at HSBC
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Cited by
Identifying Patients at Risk of Breast Cancer through Decision Trees
SK Sarkar, A Nag
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS) 8 (8), 2017
Low-Tech Steganography for Covert Operations
A Nag
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing 5 (1), 18-30, 2019
Protein Stability Determination (PSD): A Tool for Proteomics Analysis
AS Panja, A Nag, B Bandopadhyay, S Maiti
Current Bioinformatics 13, 0
Protein Secondary Structure Determination (PSSD): A New and Simple Approach
AS Panja, B Bandopadhyay, A Nag, S Maiti
Current Proteomics 16 (3), 246-253, 2019
Implementation of Multi-Agent based Digital Rights Management System for Distance Education (DRMSDE) using JADE
AK Singh, A Nag, S Karforma, S Mukhopadhyay
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (3 …, 2019
An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Spatial Datasets with Noise
A Nag, S Karforma
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) 10 …, 2018
Adaptive Dictionary-based Compression of Protein Sequences
A Nag, S Karforma
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering 7 (5), 1-6, 2017
A Space-Efficient Approach towards Distantly Homologous Protein Similarity Searches.
A Nag, S Karforma
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 6 (2), 19-22, 2015
DSA Security Enhancement through Efficient Nonce Generation
A Nag, S Karforma
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science 5 (10), 14-19, 2014
Classifying Snake Toxins using Decision Trees
A Nag, S Karforma
International Journal of Scientific Research 5 (8), 262-263, 2016
A Fast Heuristic Algorithm for Solving High-Density Subset-Sum Problems
A Nag
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Computing (IJMSC) 3 (2), 55-61, 2017
Applying LSB Steganography for Disseminating Academic Testimonials in E-Learning, and its Authentication Aspects
S Banerjee, S Karforma, A Nag
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 47 (3), 170-175, 2017
A Heuristic Approach to High-Speed Multiple Sequence Alignment for Phylogenetic Tree Construction
A Nag, S Karforma
IPASJ International Journal of Computer Science (IIJCS) 4 (4), 10-15, 2016
A Randomized Algorithm for Fast Sequence Alignment
A Nag, S Karforma
2nd International Conference on Science, Technology and Management 2015 …, 2015
A Randomized Algorithm for Fast Sequence Alignment
A Nag, S Karforma
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science …, 2015
Securing Text Transmission in E-learning through Natural Language Steganography: An Object Oriented Approach
KA Islam, S Banerjee, S Karforma, A Nag
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science …, 2017
ProMot: A Tool for the Fast Discovery of Functional Motifs from Aligned Protein Sequences
A Nag, S Karforma
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 10 (25), 2017
Snake Toxin Classification using Neural Networks
A Nag, S Karforma
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 40 (1), 78-83, 2016
Identifying Neurotoxins in Snake Venoms through Automated Generation of Probabilistic Consensus Motifs
A Nag, S Karforma
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science …, 2015
Identifying Neurotoxins in Snake Venoms through Automated Generation of Probabilistic Consensus Motifs
A Nag, S Karforma
International Conference on Technologies for Sustainability - Engineering …, 2015
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Articles 1–20