Natchimuthu Karmegam
Natchimuthu Karmegam
Department of Botany, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Salem-636 007, Tamil Nadu, India
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Cited by
Removal of emerging micropollutants originating from pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in water and wastewater by advanced oxidation processes: A review
RY Krishnan, S Manikandan, R Subbaiya, M Biruntha, M Govarthanan, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 23, 101757, 2021
Heterogeneous base catalysts: Synthesis and application for biodiesel production–A review
M Jayakumar, N Karmegam, MP Gundupalli, KB Gebeyehu, BT Asfaw, ...
Bioresource Technology 331, 125054, 2021
Phycoremediation of wastewater for pollutant removal: a green approach to environmental protection and long-term remediation
SD Priyadharshini, PS Babu, S Manikandan, R Subbaiya, M Govarthanan, ...
Environmental Pollution 290, 117989, 2021
Recent approaches and advanced wastewater treatment technologies for mitigating emerging microplastics contamination–A critical review
RY Krishnan, S Manikandan, R Subbaiya, N Karmegam, W Kim, ...
Science of the Total Environment 858, 159681, 2023
Biosurfactants: potential and eco-friendly material for sustainable agriculture and environmental safety—a review
E Gayathiri, P Prakash, N Karmegam, S Varjani, MK Awasthi, B Ravindran
Agronomy 12 (3), 662, 2022
Chemico-nanotreatment methods for the removal of persistent organic pollutants and xenobiotics in water–A review
G Karthigadevi, S Manikandan, N Karmegam, R Subbaiya, ...
Bioresource Technology 324, 124678, 2021
Enriched pressmud vermicompost production with green manure plants using Eudrilus eugeniae
R Balachandar, L Baskaran, A Yuvaraj, R Thangaraj, R Subbaiya, ...
Bioresource technology 299, 122578, 2020
Critical review of biochemical pathways to transformation of waste and biomass into bioenergy
S Manikandan, S Vickram, R Sirohi, R Subbaiya, RY Krishnan, ...
Bioresource technology 372, 128679, 2023
Vermiconversion of biowastes with low-to-high C/N ratio into value added vermicompost
M Biruntha, N Karmegam, J Archana, B Karunai Selvi, JA John Paul, ...
Bioresource Technology 297, 122398, 2020
Impacts of climate change on the fate of contaminants through extreme weather events
S Bolan, LP Padhye, T Jasemizad, M Govarthanan, N Karmegam, ...
Science of The Total Environment 909, 168388, 2024
Vermicomposting of paper industry sludge with cowdung and green manure plants using Eisenia fetida: A viable option for cleaner and enriched vermicompost production
N Karmegam, P Vijayan, M Prakash, JAJ Paul
Journal of Cleaner Production 228, 718-728, 2019
Indigenous-plant extracts as larvicidal agents against Culex quinquefasciatus Say
N Karmegam, M Sakthivadivel, V Anuradha, T Daniel
Bioresource technology 59 (2-3), 137-140, 1997
Vermistabilization of pressmud using Perionyx ceylanensis Mich.
M Prakash, N Karmegam
Bioresource Technology 101 (21), 8464-8468, 2010
Graphene oxide-based nanomaterials for the treatment of pollutants in the aquatic environment: Recent trends and perspectives–A review
SD Priyadharshini, S Manikandan, R Kiruthiga, U Rednam, PS Babu, ...
Environmental Pollution 306, 119377, 2022
Effect of vermicompost on the growth and yield of green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.).
N Karmegam, K Alagumalai, T Daniel
Centrality of cattle solid wastes in vermicomposting technology – A cleaner resource recovery and biowaste recycling option for agricultural and environmental sustainability
A Yuvaraj, T Thangaraj, SW Chang, B Ravindran, N Karmegam
Environmental Pollution 268, 115688, 2021
Earthworms and vermicompost: an eco-friendly approach for repaying nature’s debt
A Singh, N Karmegam, S Singh, T Bhadauria, SW Chang, MK Awasthi, ...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020
Effect of biochar amendment on compost quality, gaseous emissions and pathogen reduction during in-vessel composting of chicken manure
WJ Chung, SW Chang, DK Chaudhary, J DuShin, H Kim, N Karmegam, ...
Chemosphere 283, 131129, 2021
Cleaner production of agriculturally valuable benignant materials from industry generated bio-wastes: A review
B Ravindran, N Karmegam, A Yuvaraj, R Thangaraj, SW Chang, Z Zhang, ...
Bioresource Technology 320 (Part A), 124281, 2021
Enhanced biogas production from food waste and activated sludge using advanced techniques–a review
SR Deena, AS Vickram, S Manikandan, R Subbaiya, N Karmegam, ...
Bioresource Technology 355, 127234, 2022
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Articles 1–20