Manoj Balachandran
Manoj Balachandran
Other namesManoj B, Balachandran Manoj, B Manoj
Professor, Dept. of Physics& Electronics, Christ University
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Cited by
Study of stacking structure of amorphous carbon by X-ray diffraction technique
B Manoj, AG Kunjomana
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 7 (4), 3127-3134, 2012
Antibacterial Efficiency of Carbon dots Against Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria: A Review
M Varghese, B Manoj
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (6), 106821, 2021
Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanospheres from hydrocarbon soot
AN Mohan, B Manoj
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 7 (10), 9537-9549, 2012
A comprehensive analysis of various structural parameters of Indian coals with the aid of advanced analytical tools
B Manoj
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 3, 123-132, 2016
Effect of extracapsular cataract extraction and phacoemulsification performed after trabeculectomy on intraocular pressure
B Manoj, D Chako, MY Khan
Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 26 (1), 75-78, 2000
Role of Infrared Spectroscopy in Coal Analysis—An Investigation
M Balachandran
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 5 (6), 367-372, 2014
Graphitization of Coal by Bio-solubilization: Structure Probe by Raman spectroscopy
CD Elcey, B Manoj
Asian Journal of Chemistry 28 (7), 1557-1560, 2016
Facile synthesis of graphene-tin oxide nanocomposite derived from agricultural waste for enhanced antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
AN Mohan, S Panicker
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4170, 2019
Chemical leaching of low rank coal and its characterization using SEM/EDAX and FTIR
B Manoj, AG Kunjomana, KA Chandrasekharan
Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering 8 (10), 821-832, 2009
An investigation on structural, electrical and optical properties of GO/ZnO nanocomposite
V Mututu, AK Sunitha, R Thomas, M Pandey, B Manoj
International journal of electrochemical science 14 (4), 3752-3763, 2019
Raman spectroscopy investigation of camphor soot: spectral analysis and structural information
KJ John, B Manoj
International journal of electrochemical science 8 (7), 9421-9428, 2013
Investigation of nano crystalline structure in selected carbonaceous materials
B Manoj
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 21 (9), 940-946, 2014
Extraction and Characterization of Wrinkled graphene nanolayers from commercial graphite
ANM Ramya AV, Manoj B
Asian Journal of Chemistry 28 (5), 1031-1034, 2016
Tunable direct band gap photoluminescent organic semiconducting nanoparticles from lignite
B Manoj, AM Raj, GT Chirayil
Scientific reports 18012 (7), 1-9, 2017
Tailoring of low grade coal to fluorescent nanocarbon structures and their potential as a glucose sensor
AM Raj, GC Thomas
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13891, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of porous, mixed phase, wrinkled, few layer graphene like nanocarbon from charcoal
B Manoj
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 89, 2438-2442, 2015
Crumpled and porous graphene for supercapacitor applications: a short review
M Elma, Elizaba, B Manoj
Carbon Letters, 2021
Characterization of diesel soot from the combustion in engine by x-ray and spectroscopic techniques
B Manoj, S Sreelaksmi, AN Mohan, AG Kunjomana
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 7 (4), 3215-3221, 2012
Wrinkled graphene: synthesis and characterization of few layer graphene-like nanocarbons from kerosene
AV Ramya, AN Mohan, B Manoj
Material Science-Poland 34 (2), 330-336, 2016
Study of changes to the organic functional groups of a high volatile bituminous coal during organic acid treatment process by FTIR spectroscopy
B Manoj, P Narayanan
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
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