Sri Hilmi Pujihartati
Sri Hilmi Pujihartati
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Eksistensi Ketoprak Balekambang Sebagai Salah Satu Bentuk Pelestarian Budaya Jawa Di Kota Surakarta
TB Himawan, SH Pujihartati
Journal of Development and Social Change 2 (1), 3-12, 2019
Upaya Membangun Konsep Diri Pada Eks Pekerja Seks Komersial
DA Puteri, SH Pujihartati
DILEMA 31 (1), 23-30, 2016
Digitalisasi Profil Desa Turus
SH Pujihartati, HA Mahmudah, G Pratiwi, HA Ridhani, IA Alfarisi, ...
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 7 (2), 338-346, 2022
The Value of Empathy in Javanese Traditional Games as a Formation of Social Care in Urban Youth Generation
M Wijaya, SH Pujihartati
International Seminar on Recent Language, Literature, and Local Cultural …, 2018
Strategi Mempertahankan Keutuhan Keluarga Sopir Truk Berbasis Modal Sosial Di Surakarta
DA Kumara
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2019
Pemanfaatan limbah kotoran sapi menjadi pupuk organik dalam upaya peningkatan perekonomian Gapoktan Desa Sambirembe
SH Pujihartati, R Delji, RN Sukma, SPD Adzani
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 4 (2), 132-138, 2021
The importance of socializing maternity waiting home in the attempt of reducing maternal mortality rate in wonogiri regency
SH Pujihartati, M Wijaya, A Demartoto
Third International Conference on Social Transformation, Community and …, 2020
Dinamika Kelompok Sosial Anak dalam Pelestarian Permainan Tradisional
SH Pujihartati, M Wijaya
Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi 8 (1), 2019
Implementation of Maternity Waiting Home in Wonogiri, Indonesia
SH Pujihartati, A Demartoto, M Wijaya
Journal of Social and Political Sciences 2 (4), 2019
Fenomena Nikah Siri di Kalangan Mahasiswa dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perempuan
SH Pujihartati
Jurnal Sosiologi 24 (1), 2010
Distrust of Healthcare Services: Pregnant Women’s Lack of Willingness to Use Maternity Waiting Home Service in Wonogiri Regency
SH Pujihartati, M Wijaya, A Demartoto
Society 9 (1), 151-159, 2021
Digital Marketing: Pengembangan Kapasitas Kewirausahaan Pada Sarjana Masa Tunggu
AK Putri, S Supriyadi, M Wijaya, SH Pujihartati, TA Gutama
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate …, 2020
Unprioritizing Maternal Health: Lack of Regulation on Maternity Waiting Home Implementation in Wonogiri
SH Pujihartati, M Wijaya, A Demartoto
Journal of Social and Political Sciences 3 (2), 2020
Empowering people to protect environment: A case study of PT. Indaco Warna Dunia’s CSR
SH Pujihartati, IDA Nurhaeni, DT Kartono, A Demartoto
E3S Web of Conferences 316, 03001, 2021
System context and drivers contributing to collaborative governance in coping with HIV/AIDS in Surakarta Indonesia
A Demartoto, S Zunariyah, SH Pujihartati
Journal of Social and Political Sciences 3 (2), 2020
Cultural Reproduction of Javanese Gamelan Creation
M Wijaya, SH Pujihartati
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 5 (8), 2018
Access, Participation, Control, and Advantage of Digital-Based Healthcare Service for Women Living with HIV/AIDS
A Demartoto, B Murti, SH Pujihartati
Muwazah: jurnal kajian gender 15 (2), 149-166, 2023
Tourism Development Strategies in the KHDTK (Special Purpose Forest Area) Mount Bromo and Their Impact on the Welfare of Local Communities
SH Pujihartati, M Wijaya
E3S Web of Conferences 444, 03006, 2023
New Media and Green Behavior Campaign Through Corporate Social Responsibility Collaboration
SHN Pujihartati, IDA Nurhaeni, DT Kartono, A Demartoto
Malaysian Journal of Communication 39 (2), 325-337, 2023
Pengembangan Bank Sampah Melalui Pemanfaatan Teknologi Trash Burner Untuk Meningkatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Dan Lingkungan Desa
SH Pujihartati, A Adryan, IP Wati
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 7 (3), 826-833, 2022
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Articles 1–20