Prantik Biswas
Cited by
Cited by
An extended hybridization of vigenére and caesar cipher techniques for secure communication
A Saraswat, C Khatri, P Thakral, P Biswas
Procedia Computer Science 92, 355-360, 2016
An Efficient Greedy Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Based on Vertex Associative Cycle Detection Method
P Biswas, M Goel, H Negi, M Datta
Procedia Computer Science 92, 513-519, 2016
Web scraping: from tools to related legislation and implementation using Python
H Nigam, P Biswas
Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application: Proceedings of …, 2021
Mathematical modeling of treatment SIR model with respect to variable contact rate
P Bhattacharya, S Paul, P Biswas
International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research 83, 34-41, 2015
Technologies and Methods for 3D Reconstruction in Archaeology
S Dawn, P Biswas
Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems: 4th …, 2019
A New Genre of Recommender Systems Based on Modern Paradigms of Data Filtering
S Sehgal, S Chaudhry, P Biswas, S Jain
Procedia Computer Science 92, 562-567, 2016
From web scraping to web crawling
H Nigam, P Biswas
Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Select …, 2021
Discovering Motifs in DNA Sequences: A Suffix Tree Based Approach
S Prakash, H Agarwal, U Agarwal, P Biswas, SD Jaypee
2018 IEEE 8th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 327-332, 2018
Analyzing the Realization of Degree Sequence by Constructing Orthogonally Diagonalizable Adjacency Matrix
P Biswas, A Paul, P Bhattacharya
Procedia Computer Science 57, 885-889, 2015
Power-log based plateau limit histogram equalization algorithm for infrared image enhancement
A Paul, P Biswas, P Bhattacharya, SP Maity
2017 Tenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 1-5, 2017
Context Bucketed Text Responses using Generative Adversarial Neural Network in Android Application with Tens or Flow-Lite Framework
P Kaushik, KV Kumar, P Biswas
2022 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2022
Rumour Control Model to Prevent Falsehood Propagation in Social Media
N Garg, S Goel, P Prateek, S Roshan, A Sinha, P Biswas
Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies: Second …, 2020
Discovering Motifs in DNA Sequences: A Candidate Motifs Based Approach
A Jain, R Parashar, AK Goyal, P Biswas, S Dawn, A Nanda
2018 Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2018
An Efficient Approach for Constructing Spanning Trees by Applying BFS and DFS Algorithm Directly on Non-regular Graphic Sequences
P Biswas, A Paul, A Gogoi, P Bhattacharya
Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications …, 2016
Generating spanning tree of non-regular graphic sequences through a variant of Prim's algorithm
P Biswas, A Paul, P Bhattacharya
2015 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies …, 2015
Discovering mutated motifs in DNA Sequences: A comparative analysis
R Parashar, M Goel, N Sharma, A Jain, A Sinha, P Biswas
Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2021
CPDP: A Connection based PDP Algorithm
H Agarwal, S Prakash, U Agarwal, P Biswas, A Nanda, S Dawn
2018 Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2018
Discovering Non-Mutated Motifs in DNA Sequences: A HashMap Based Binary Search Motif Finder
N Sharma, M Goel, A Verma, A Jain, R Parashar, P Biswas
2018 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation …, 2018
Application of (0, 1)-Matrix in Determination of Graphic Realization of Non-Increasing Positive Integer Sequence
P Biswas, A Paul, P Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced Research in …, 2015
Comparative Analysis of Image Deblurring with Radial Basis Functions in Artificial Neural Network
A Paul, P Bhattacharya, P Biswas, SP Maity
Computational Vision and Robotics: Proceedings of ICCVR 2014, 135-143, 2015
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Articles 1–20