Baojun Li
Cited by
Cited by
A moving morphable void (MMV)-based explicit approach for topology optimization considering stress constraints
W Zhang, D Li, J Zhou, Z Du, B Li, X Guo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 334, 381-413, 2018
Automatic hole-filling of CAD models with feature-preserving
X Wang, X Liu, L Lu, B Li, J Cao, B Yin, X Shi
Computers & Graphics 36 (2), 101-110, 2012
Progressive iterative approximation for regularized least square bivariate B-spline surface fitting
M Liu, B Li, Q Guo, C Zhu, P Hu, Y Shao
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 327, 175-187, 2018
Efficient representation and optimization for TPMS-based porous structures
J Hu, S Wang, B Li, F Li, Z Luo, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (7), 2615-2627, 2020
Support-free frame structures
W Wang, S Qian, L Lin, B Li, B Yin, L Liu, X Liu
Computers & Graphics 66, 154-161, 2017
Feature detection of triangular meshes via neighbor supporting
X Wang, J Cao, X Liu, B Li, X Shi, Y Sun
Journal of Zhejiang University Science C 13 (6), 440-451, 2012
Filling Holes in Triangular Meshes in Engineering.
P Hu, C Wang, B Li, M Liu
J. Softw. 7 (1), 141-148, 2012
Estimating canopy gap fraction and diffuse light interception in 3D maize canopy using hierarchical hemispheres
W Wen, X Guo, B Li, C Wang, Y Wang, Z Yu, S Wu, J Fan, S Gu, X Lu
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 276, 107594, 2019
A leaf modeling and multi-scale remeshing method for visual computation via hierarchical parametric vein and margin representation
W Wen, B Li, B Li, X Guo
Frontiers in plant science 9, 783, 2018
Investigation on the elasto-plastic constitutive equation of parts fabricated by fused deposition modeling
Y Xia, K Xu, G Zheng, R Zou, B Li, P Hu
Rapid Prototyping Journal 25 (3), 592-601, 2019
Mesh parameterization based on one-step inverse forming
B Li, X Zhang, P Zhou, P Hu
Computer-Aided Design 42 (7), 633-640, 2010
A machine learning–based framework for analyzing car brand styling
B Li, Y Dong, Z Wen, M Liu, L Yang, M Song
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 10 (7), 1687814018784429, 2018
Latent local feature extraction for low-resolution virus image classification
ZJ Wen, ZH Liu, YC Zong, BJ Li
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 8, 117-132, 2020
Finite element mesh deformation with the skeleton-section template
L Yang, B Li, Z Lv, W Hou, P Hu
Computer-Aided Design 73, 11-25, 2016
Cross section-based hollowing and structural enhancement
W Wang, B Li, S Qian, YJ Liu, CCL Wang, L Liu, B Yin, X Liu
The Visual Computer 33, 949-960, 2017
Non-stationary subdivision for exponential polynomials reproduction
B Li, Z Yu, B Yu, Z Su, X Liu
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 29 (3), 567-578, 2013
Image-driven panel design via feature-preserving mesh deformation
B Li, X Liu, Y Liu, P Hu, M Liu, C Wang
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV: 4th IFIP TC 12 …, 2011
Skeleton-section template parameterization for shape optimization
P Hu, L Yang, B Li
Journal of Mechanical Design 140 (12), 121404, 2018
Rapid evaluation of regular quad-mesh interpolatory subdivision surfaces based on parametric decomposition
Z Su, B Li, X Liu, F Wang
2007 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and …, 2007
Function representation based analytic shape hollowing optimization
L Zhang, S Wang, B Li, Y Wang, Z Luo, L Liu
Computer-Aided Design 144, 103156, 2022
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