D. Aju
Cited by
Cited by
An Internet of Thing based Agribot (IOT-Agribot) for Precision Agriculture and Farm Monitoring
AK Kakelli, D Aju
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering 4, 33-39, 2020
American Sign Language Alphabet Recognition using Deep Learning
N Kasukurthi, B Rokad, S Bidani, D Aju
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.05487, 2019
An emerging malware analysis techniques and tools: a comparative analysis
A Datta, KA Kumar, D Aju
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 10 (04 …, 2021
Phisher fighter: website phishing detection system based on url and term frequency-inverse document frequency values
ES Vishva, D Aju
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 83-104, 2022
T1-T2 Weighted MR Image Composition and Cataloguing of Brain Tumor using Regularized Logistic Regression
D Aju, R Rajkumar
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (9), 149-159, 2016
A Smart system for retinal blood vessel identification and width computation
S Poonkuntran, D Aju, C Anitha
Proceedings of International conference on Trends in Intelligent Electronic …, 2007
A Multi-Stage Hybrid CAD Approach for MRI Brain Tumor Recognition and Classification
D Aju, R Rajkumar
IIOAB Journal 7 (1), 7-20, 2016
Multi-Level Fusion of CT and MRI Brain Images for Classifying Tumor
AM Lal, M Balaji, Aju. D
International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management & Computer …, 2014
Nerve Segmentation in Ultrasound Images
V Vashishtha, D Aju
IEEE Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies …, 2018
An efficient and optimized RC5 image encryption algorithm for secured image transmission
S Suresh, M Varghese, D Aju
Int J Imaging Robot 15 (3), 2015
Methods of Increasing Spatial Resolution of Digital Images with Minimum Detail Loss and its Applications
Krishnan Vijayaraghavan, Karan Parpyani, Sunny Ashok Thakwani, Aju. D, Dr. N ...
Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics, 685 - 689, 2009
Optimised CNN based Brain Tumour Detection and 3D Reconstruclion
SS Joseph, D Aju
􏰓􏰕Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and …, 2022
Integrating User Stories in the Design of Augmented Reality Application
C Ankora, D Aju
International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach 15 (1 …, 2022
A reinforcement learning-based offload decision model (RL-OLD) for vehicle number plate detection
YA Sakharkar, M Singh, KA Kumar, D Aju
Int. J. Eng. Manuf.(IJEM) 11 (6), 11-18, 2021
Three dimensional reconstruction models for medical modalities: a comprehensive investigation and analysis
SS Joseph, A Dennisan
Current Medical Imaging 16 (6), 653-668, 2020
A Comprehensive Perspective on Mobile Forensics: Process, Tools, and Future Trends
D Aju, AK Kakelli, AS Varma, K Rajendiran
Confluence of AI, Machine, and Deep Learning in Cyber Forensics, 1-28, 2021
Design of Image Enhancement Filters using a Novel Parallel Particle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm
BA Geraldine, B Siddharth, D Aju
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 9 (5/6), 576-588, 2017
An Energy Efficient and Secure Mechanism (EES-WSN) in Wireless Sensor Networks for Reliable Data Transmission.
KA Kumar, K Khambhati
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 13 (2), 2020
Image Fusion-A new hybrid technology
S Arora, A Abhinav, D Aju
2019 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT) 1, 1-7, 2019
An affinity propagated clustering aided computerized Inherent Seeded Region Growing and Deep learned Marching Cubes Algorithm (ISRG‐DMCA) based three dimensional image …
SS Joseph, A Dennisan
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 32 (6), 2240-2254, 2022
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