Tamas Varga
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Cited by
Electronic and defect structures of CuSCN
JE Jaffe, TC Kaspar, TC Droubay, T Varga, ME Bowden, GJ Exarhos
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (19), 9111-9117, 2010
Pore-engineered metal–organic frameworks with excellent adsorption of water and fluorocarbon refrigerant for cooling applications
J Zheng, RS Vemuri, L Estevez, PK Koech, T Varga, DM Camaioni, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (31), 10601-10604, 2017
Coexistence of Weak Ferromagnetism and Ferroelectricity <?format ?>in the High Pressure -Type Phase of
T Varga, A Kumar, E Vlahos, S Denev, M Park, S Hong, T Sanehira, ...
Physical review letters 103 (4), 047601, 2009
Continuous metal-insulator transition of the antiferromagnetic perovskite
YG Shi, YF Guo, S Yu, M Arai, AA Belik, A Sato, K Yamaura, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (16), 161104, 2009
Following the movement of Cu ions in a SSZ-13 zeolite during dehydration, reduction and adsorption: A combined in situ TP-XRD, XANES/DRIFTS study
JH Kwak, T Varga, CHF Peden, F Gao, JC Hanson, J Szanyi
Journal of catalysis 314, 83-93, 2014
Electric field stimulates production of highly conductive microbial OmcZ nanowires
SE Yalcin, JP O’Brien, Y Gu, K Reiss, SM Yi, R Jain, V Srikanth, PJ Dahl, ...
Nature chemical biology 16 (10), 1136-1142, 2020
Epitaxial growth, structure, and intermixing at the / interface as the film stoichiometry is varied
L Qiao, TC Droubay, T Varga, ME Bowden, V Shutthanandan, Z Zhu, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (8), 085408, 2011
Thermodynamically Stable SixOyCz Polymer‐Like Amorphous Ceramics
T Varga, A Navrotsky, JL Moats, RM Morcos, F Poli, K Müller, A Saha, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (10), 3213-3219, 2007
Unraveling the mysterious failure of Cu/SAPO-34 selective catalytic reduction catalysts
A Wang, Y Chen, ED Walter, NM Washton, D Mei, T Varga, Y Wang, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1137, 2019
Selective Plasmonic Gas Sensing: H2, NO2, and CO Spectral Discrimination by a Single Au-CeO2 Nanocomposite Film
NA Joy, MI Nandasiri, PH Rogers, W Jiang, T Varga, SVNT Kuchibhatla, ...
Analytical chemistry 84 (11), 5025-5034, 2012
Nanoscale engineering of radiation tolerant silicon carbide
Y Zhang, M Ishimaru, T Varga, T Oda, C Hardiman, H Xue, Y Katoh, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (38), 13429-13436, 2012
Thermochemistry of A2M3O12 negative thermal expansion materials
T Varga, JL Moats, SV Ushakov, A Navrotsky
Journal of Materials Research 22 (9), 2512-2521, 2007
Endophyte-Promoted Phosphorus Solubilization in Populus
T Varga, KK Hixson, AH Ahkami, AW Sher, ME Barnes, RK Chu, AK Battu, ...
Frontiers in plant science 11, 567918, 2020
Nanostructured MgFe and CoCr layered double hydroxides for removal and sequestration of iodine anions
J Kang, TG Levitskaia, S Park, J Kim, T Varga, W Um
Chemical Engineering Journal 380, 122408, 2020
Soil texture and environmental conditions influence the biogeochemical responses of soils to drought and flooding
KF Patel, SJ Fansler, TP Campbell, B Bond-Lamberty, AP Smith, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 2 (1), 127, 2021
The effect of electronic energy loss on irradiation-induced grain growth in nanocrystalline oxides
Y Zhang, DS Aidhy, T Varga, S Moll, PD Edmondson, F Namavar, K Jin, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (17), 8051-8059, 2014
Biotic and abiotic pathways of phosphorus cycling in minerals and sediments: Insights from oxygen isotope ratios in phosphate
DP Jaisi, RK Kukkadapu, LM Stout, T Varga, RE Blake
Environmental science & technology 45 (15), 6254-6261, 2011
Minimal impacts of microplastics on soil physical properties under environmentally relevant concentrations
Y Yu, AK Battu, T Varga, AC Denny, TM Zahid, I Chowdhury, M Flury
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (13), 5296-5304, 2023
Magnesium alloy ZK60 tubing made by shear assisted processing and extrusion (ShAPE)
S Whalen, N Overman, V Joshi, T Varga, D Graff, C Lavender
Materials Science and Engineering: A 755, 278-288, 2019
Energetics of SixOyCz Polymer‐Derived Ceramics Prepared Under Varying Conditions
RM Morcos, A Navrotsky, T Varga, Y Blum, D Ahn, F Poli, K Müller, R Raj
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91 (9), 2969-2974, 2008
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