Amit Varma
Amit Varma
Karl H. Kettelhut Professor in Civil Engineering, Purdue University
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Seismic behavior and modeling of high-strength composite concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) beam–columns
AH Varma, JM Ricles, R Sause, LW Lu
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (5-8), 725-758, 2002
Experimental behavior of high strength square concrete-filled steel tube beam-columns
AH Varma, JM Ricles, R Sause, LW Lu
Journal of Structural Engineering 128 (3), 309-318, 2002
Analytical modeling of the standard fire behavior of loaded CFT columns
S Hong, AH Varma
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65 (1), 54-69, 2009
Seismic behavior and design of high-strength square concrete-filled steel tube beam columns
AH Varma, JM Ricles, R Sause, LW Lu
Journal of Structural Engineering 130 (2), 169-179, 2004
Steel-plate composite (SC) walls for safety related nuclear facilities: Design for in-plane forces and out-of-plane moments
AH Varma, SR Malushte, KC Sener, Z Lai
Nuclear Engineering and Design 269, 240-249, 2014
Effect of shear connectors on local buckling and composite action in steel concrete composite walls
K Zhang, AH Varma, SR Malushte, S Gallocher
Nuclear Engineering and Design 269, 231-239, 2014
Fire induced progressive collapse of steel building structures: The role of interior gravity columns
A Agarwal, AH Varma
Engineering Structures 58, 129-140, 2014
In-plane seismic behavior of rectangular steel-plate composite wall piers
S Epackachi, NH Nguyen, EG Kurt, AS Whittaker, AH Varma
Journal of Structural Engineering 141 (7), 04014176, 2015
Noncompact and slender rectangular CFT members: Experimental database, analysis, and design
Z Lai, AH Varma, K Zhang
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 101, 455-468, 2014
Steel-plate composite walls: Experimental database and design for out-of-plane shear
KC Sener, AH Varma
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 100, 197-210, 2014
Steel-plate composite (SC) walls: In-plane shear behavior, database, and design
J Seo, AH Varma, K Sener, D Ayhan
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 119, 202-215, 2016
Cyclic in-plane shear behavior of double-skin composite walls in high-rise buildings
X Ji, X Cheng, X Jia, AH Varma
Journal of Structural Engineering 143 (6), 04017025, 2017
Design of composite SC walls to prevent perforation from missile impact
JC Bruhl, AH Varma, WH Johnson
International Journal of Impact Engineering 75, 75-87, 2015
Noncompact and slender circular CFT members: Experimental database, analysis, and design
Z Lai, AH Varma
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 106, 220-233, 2015
Finite element modeling of steel-plate concrete composite wall piers
S Epackachi, AS Whittaker, AH Varma, EG Kurt
Engineering Structures 100, 369-384, 2015
Effective stress-strain relationships for analysis of noncompact and slender filled composite (CFT) members
Z Lai, AH Varma
Engineering Structures 124, 457-472, 2016
Experimental behavior and design of high-strength circular concrete-filled steel tube short columns
J Wei, X Luo, Z Lai, AH Varma
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (1), 04019184, 2020
Steel-plate composite (SC) walls: Out-of-plane flexural behavior, database, and design
KC Sener, AH Varma, D Ayhan
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 108, 46-59, 2015
High-strength rectangular CFT members: Database, modeling, and design of short columns
Z Lai, AH Varma
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (5), 04018036, 2018
In-plane behavior and design of rectangular SC wall piers without boundary elements
EG Kurt, AH Varma, P Booth, AS Whittaker
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (6), 04016026, 2016
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Articles 1–20