Chendragiri Madhavaiah
Chendragiri Madhavaiah
Associate Professor & Head, Department of Management, Pondicherry University, Karaikal Campus
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Consumer Attitude and Behavioural Intention towards Internet Banking Adoption in India
I Bashir, C Madhavaiah
Journal of Indian Business Research (ISSN print: 1755-4195) 7 (1), 67-102, 2015
Defining Cloud Computing in Business Perspective: A Review of Research
C Madhavaiah, I Bashir, SI Shafi
Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (Print ISSN: 0972-2629, Online …, 2012
Determinants of Young Consumers’ Intention to Use Internet Banking Services in India
I Bashir, C Madhavaiah
Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (Print ISSN: 0972-2629, Online …, 2014
Examining the influence of financial inclusion on financial well-being of marginalized street vendors: an empirical evidence from India
P Nandru, C Madhavaiah, V Arulmurugan
International Journal of Social Economics 48 (8), 1139-1158, 2021
Trust, Social Influence, Self‐Efficacy, Perceived Risk and Internet Banking Acceptance: An Extension of Technology Acceptance Model in Indian Context
I Bashir, C Madhavaiah
Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research (ISSN: 0972-6225) 14 (1), 25-38, 2015
An Investigation on Shoppers' buying behaviour towards apparel products in Bangalore City
SI Shafi, C Madhavaiah
Pacific Business Review International 6 (8), 2014
The Influence of Brand Equity on Consumer Buying Behaviour of Organic Foods in India.
SI Shafi, C Madhavaiah
Journal of Marketing & Communication (ISSN: 0973-2330) 9 (2), 44-51, 2013
Predicting the Success of Bank Telemarketing for Selling Long-term Deposits: An Application of Machine Learning Algorithms
DCM Premkumar Borugadda, Dr. Prabhakar Nandru
St. Theresa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7 (1), 91-108, 2021
Are HR professionals ready to adopt HR analytics? A study on analytical skills of HR professionals
C Madhavaiah, K Campus
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems 10 (08), 303-308, 2018
Determinants of digital financial inclusion in India: Evidence from the World Bank’s global findex database
P Nandru, M Chendragiri, A Velayutham
Defining customer-based brand equity: An evaluation of previous studies
SI Shafi, C Madhavaiah
Srusti Management Review 7 (2), 34, 2014
Impact of Demographics on Consumers Willingness to Pay Premium: A study of Organic food products
L Shashikiran, C Madhavaiah
International Journal of Research and Development–A Management Review 3 (3 …, 2014
Customer acceptance of internet banking services: A review of extensions and replications to technology adoption model (TAM)
I Bashir, C Madhavaiah, JR Naik
Asia-pacific marketing review 2 (1), 55-72, 2013
Adoption intention of mobile QR code payment system among marginalized street vendors: an empirical investigation from an emerging economy
SKSAMC Prabhakar Nandru
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, EarlyCite, 2023
Impact of Socio Economic Factors on Purchase Behaviour of Organic Food Products
L Shashikiran, C Madhavaiah
International Journal of Economics and Business Administration 1 (2), 82-86, 2015
Perceived Service Quality Measurement in Parcel Delivery Services: Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Hierarchical Model.
C Madhavaiah, S Durga Rao, P Akthar
Journal of Marketing & Communication 4 (1), 2008
Determinants of young consumers’ intention to use internet banking services in India. Vision 18 (3): 153–163
I Bashir, C Madhavaiah
Revisiting Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) at the Individual Internet Banking Adoption Level
I Bashir, C Madhavaiah
Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research (ISSN: 0972-6225) 13 (1), 42-56, 2014
Critical Analysis of Traditional and Modern Insurance Distribution Channels In India
I Bashir, C Madhavaiah, JR Naik
The Journal of the Insurance Institute of India (ISSN: 2278-6759) 38 (1), 59-68, 2013
Factors affecting the adoption of mobile payment services during the COVID-19 pandemic: an application of extended UTAUT2 model
P Nandru, M Chendragiri, S SA
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 2023
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Articles 1–20