John B. Vogler
John B. Vogler
Research Scholar, Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University
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Land-use and land-cover change in montane mainland southeast Asia
J Fox, JB Vogler
Environmental Management 36, 394-403, 2005
Land-use and land-cover change and farmer vulnerability in Xishuangbanna prefecture in southwestern China
X Jianchu, J Fox, JB Vogler, ZPF Yongshou, Y Lixin, Q Jie, S Leisz
Environmental Management 36, 404-413, 2005
FUTURES: multilevel simulations of emerging urban–rural landscape structure using a stochastic patch-growing algorithm
RK Meentemeyer, W Tang, MA Dorning, JB Vogler, NJ Cunniffe, ...
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (4), 785-807, 2013
LiDAR-Landsat data fusion for large-area assessment of urban land cover: Balancing spatial resolution, data volume and mapping accuracy
KK Singh, JB Vogler, DA Shoemaker, RK Meentemeyer
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 74, 110-121, 2012
Hydrologic effects of the expansion of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in a tropical catchment
M Guardiola‐Claramonte, PA Troch, AD Ziegler, TW Giambelluca, ...
Ecohydrology 3 (3), 306-314, 2010
Simulating land-cover change in montane mainland Southeast Asia
J Fox, JB Vogler, OL Sen, TW Giambelluca, AD Ziegler
Environmental management 49, 968-979, 2012
Channel head locations with respect to geomorphologic thresholds derived from a digital elevation model: A case study in northern Thailand
JP McNamara, AD Ziegler, SH Wood, JB Vogler
Forest Ecology and Management 224 (1-2), 147-156, 2006
Local hydrologic effects of introducing non‐native vegetation in a tropical catchment
M Guardiola‐Claramonte, PA Troch, AD Ziegler, TW Giambelluca, ...
Ecohydrology: Ecosystems, Land and Water Process Interactions …, 2008
Citizen science helps predict risk of emerging infectious disease
RK Meentemeyer, MA Dorning, JB Vogler, D Schmidt, M Garbelotto
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13 (4), 189-194, 2015
Throughfall in an evergreen-dominated forest stand in northern Thailand: Comparison of mobile and stationary methods
AD Ziegler, TW Giambelluca, MA Nullet, RA Sutherland, C Tantasarin, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149 (2), 373-384, 2009
Contemporary changes in open water surface area of Lake Inle, Myanmar
RC Sidle, AD Ziegler, JB Vogler
Sustainability Science 2, 55-65, 2007
Hydrological consequences of landscape fragmentation in mountainous northern Vietnam: Buffering of Hortonian overland flow
AD Ziegler, TW Giambelluca, D Plondke, S Leisz, LT Tran, J Fox, ...
Journal of Hydrology 337 (1-2), 52-67, 2007
Global positioning system: a field guide for the social sciences
J Spencer, BG Frizzelle, PH Page, JB Vogler
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
An agent-based model of agricultural innovation, land-cover change and household inequality: The transition from swidden cultivation to rubber plantations in Laos PDR
TP Evans, K Phanvilay, J Fox, J Vogler
Journal of Land Use Science 6 (2-3), 151-173, 2011
Not seeing the forest for the trees: Modeling exurban viewscapes with LiDAR
J Vukomanovic, KK Singh, A Petrasova, JB Vogler
Landscape and Urban Planning 170, 169-176, 2018
Land for my grandchildren: land use and tenure change in Ratanakiri: 1989-2007
J Fox, D McMahon, M Poffenberger, J Vogler
Community Forestry International (CFI) and the East West Center, 2008
Household-parcel linkages in Nang Rong, Thailand: Challenges of large samples
RR Rindfuss, P Prasartkul, SJ Walsh, B Entwisle, Y Sawangdee, ...
People and the environment: Approaches for linking household and community …, 2003
The geomorphic influences of burrowing beavers on streambanks, Bolin Creek, North Carolina
RK Meentemeyer, JB Vogler, C Hill, DR Butler
Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 42, 453-468, 1998
Understanding changes in land and forest resource management systems: Ratanakiri, Cambodia
J Fox, JB Vogler, M Poffenberger
Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 47 (3), 309-329, 2009
When Big Data are Too Much: Effects of LiDAR Returns and Point Density on Estimation of Forest Biomass
KK Singh, G Chen, JB Vogler, RK Meentemeyer
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote …, 2016
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Articles 1–20