Lars Lindholt
Lars Lindholt
Senior Researcher at Statistics Norway
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Future emissions from shipping and petroleum activities in the Arctic
GP Peters, TB Nilssen, L Lindholt, MS Eide, S Glomsrød, LI Eide, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (11), 5305-5320, 2011
Climate policies in a fossil fuel producing country: Demand versus supply side policies
T Fæhn, C Hagem, L Lindholt, S Mæland, KE Rosendahl
The Energy Journal 38 (1), 77-102, 2017
Arctic natural resources in a global perspective
L Lindholt
The economy of the North, 27-39, 2006
The market power of OPEC 1973–2001
PV Hansen, L Lindholt
Applied Economics 40 (22), 2939-2959, 2008
The role of the Arctic in future global petroleum supply
L Lindholt, S Glomsrød
Discussion Papers, 2011
The Arctic: No big bonanza for the global petroleum industry
L Lindholt, S Glomsrød
Energy Economics 34 (5), 1465-1474, 2012
The potential resource rent from Norwegian fisheries
M Greaker, K Grimsrud, L Lindholt
Marine Policy 84, 156-166, 2017
Are high oil prices profitable for OPEC in the long run?
FR Aune, S Glomsrød, L Lindholt, KE Rosendahl
Discussion Papers, 2005
Arctic economies within the Arctic nations
S Glomsrød, I Mäenpää, L Lindholt, H McDonald, S Goldsmith
S. Glomsrød and I. Aslaksen, 37-63, 2009
Oil consumption subsidy removal in OPEC and other Non-OECD countries: Oil market impacts and welfare effects
FR Aune, K Grimsrud, L Lindholt, KE Rosendahl, HB Storrøsten
Energy Economics 68, 395-409, 2017
Phasing out coal and phasing in renewables–good or bad news for arctic gas producers?
L Lindholt, S Glomsrød
Energy Economics 70, 1-11, 2018
Stabilization of CO2 concentrations: mitigation scenarios using the Petro model
S Kverndokk, L Lindholt, KE Rosendahl
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 3, 195-224, 2000
On natural resource rent and the wealth of a nation: a study based on National Accounts in Norway 1930-95
L Lindholt
Statistics Norway, Research Department, 2000
Future production of petroleum in the Arctic under alternative oil prices
L Lindholt, S Glomsrød
The economy of the North, 69-73, 2008
The tug-of-war between resource depletion and technological change in the global oil industry 1981–2009
L Lindholt
Energy 93, 1607-1616, 2015
Climate policies in a fossil fuel producing country. Demand versus supply side policies
T Fæhn, C Hagem, L Lindholt, S Mæland, KE Rosendahl
Discussion Papers, 2013
Grunnrenten i norsk akvakultur og kraftproduksjon fra 1984 til 2018
M Greaker, L Lindholt
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2019
Ressursrenten i naturressursnæringene i Norge 1984-2021
M Greaker, L Lindholt
Ressursrenten i naturressursnæringene i Norge 1984-2021: Greaker, Mads …, 2022
Resource rent in Norwegian fisheries: trends and policies
K Grimsrud, L Lindholt, M Greaker
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2015
Climate policies in a fossil fuel producing country
T Fæhn, C Hagem, L Lindholt, S Mæland, KE Rosendahl
Demand versus supply side policies. Statistics Norway Research Department …, 2013
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Articles 1–20