Srinjoy Ganguly
Srinjoy Ganguly
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Cited by
A trust based congestion aware hybrid Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for energy efficient routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (TC-ACO)
A Chakraborty, S Ganguly, A Karmakar, MK Naskar
2013 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 137-142, 2013
Reaction-diffusion equations with applications to economic systems
S Ganguly, U Neogi, AS Chakrabarti, A Chakraborti
Econophysics and Sociophysics: Recent Progress and Future Directions, 131-144, 2017
A trust based Fuzzy algorithm for congestion control in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (TFCC)
A Chakraborty, S Ganguly, MK Naskar, A Karmakar
2013 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV …, 2013
A Hybrid Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm for Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Time Variant Lot Sizing
S Ganguly, A Chowdhury, S Mukherjee, PN Suganthan, S Das, TJ Chua
Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications: 7th …, 2013
A strategy adaptive genetic algorithm for solving the travelling salesman problem
S Mukherjee, S Ganguly, S Das
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: Third International Conference …, 2012
Clustering using vector membership: an extension of the fuzzy c-means algorithm
S Ganguly, D Bose, A Konar
2013 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), 27-32, 2013
A trust-based framework for congestion-aware energy efficient routing in wireless multimedia sensor networks
S Ganguly, A Chakraborty, MK Naskar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.4071, 2013
A novel ant colony optimization algorithm for the vehicle routing problem
S Ganguly, S Das
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: 4th International Conference …, 2013
Inter-Temporal Correlation Structure of Cross-Country Technology Diffusion: An Application of the Generalized Lotka-Volterra Model.
S Ganguly
Available at SSRN 2699934, 2015
Trust Integrated Congestion Aware Energy Efficient Routing forWireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (TCEER)
A Chakraborty, S Ganguly, M Kanti Naskar, A Karmakar
Journal of computing and information technology 23 (2), 95-109, 2015
A novel strategy adaptive genetic algorithm with greedy local search for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem
S Ganguly, S Mukherjee, D Basu, S Das
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: Third International Conference …, 2012
Towards a Model National IPR Policy for India
S Ganguly
Available at SSRN 2668395, 2015
An unbiased critique of the fluid relationship between Happiness and Advertising
S Ganguly
The Indian Economic Journal 63 (2), 180-193, 2015
VIX and Volatility Derivatives: A Survey of Relevant Financial Instruments and Pricing Models.
S Ganguly
Available at SSRN 2671720, 2015
An Eclectic Demystification of Operation Barga.
S Ganguly
Available at SSRN 2673311, 2015
XGN: A Game Changer in the Field of E-Governance.
S Ganguly
Available at SSRN 2673313, 2015
A hybrid discrete differential evolution algorithm for economic lot scheduling problem with time variant lot sizing
PN Suganthan, S Ganguly, A Chowdhury, S Mukherjee, S Das, TJ Chua
Journal of Wireless Sensor Networks
S Ganguly
M. Ammi and S. Chikhi
KMA Hasan, SMM Ahsan, WT Balke, K El Maarry, AE Belfedhal, ...
Wireless Networks 4, 283-293, 0
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Articles 1–19