Ebru Turanoglu Bekar
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Cited by
Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process with interval type-2 fuzzy sets
C Kahraman, B Öztayşi, İU Sarı, E Turanoğlu
Knowledge-Based Systems 59, 48-57, 2014
Fuzzy COPRAS method for performance measurement in total productive maintenance: a comparative analysis
E Turanoglu Bekar, M Cakmakci, C Kahraman
Journal of Business Economics and Management 17 (5), 663-684, 2016
An intelligent approach for data pre-processing and analysis in predictive maintenance with an industrial case study
ET Bekar, P Nyqvist, A Skoogh
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 12 (5), 1687814020919207, 2020
Fuzzy acceptance sampling and characteristic curves
E Turanoğlu, İ Kaya, C Kahraman
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 5 (1), 13-29, 2012
Classification of thyroid disease by using data mining models: a comparison of decision tree algorithms
E Turanoglu-Bekar, G Ulutagay, S Kantarcı-Savas
Oxford Journal of Intelligent Decision and Data Sciences 2, 13-28, 2016
Usage of metaheuristics in engineering: A literature review
O Senvar, E Turanoglu, C Kahraman
Meta-heuristics optimization algorithms in engineering, business, economics …, 2013
A prognostic algorithm to prescribe improvement measures on throughput bottlenecks
M Subramaniyan, A Skoogh, AS Muhammad, J Bokrantz, ET Bekar
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 53, 271-281, 2019
Fuzzy multiattribute consumer choice among health insurance options
C Kahraman, A Suder, ET Bekar
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 22 (1), 1-20, 2016
A fuzzy design of single and double acceptance sampling plans
C Kahraman, ET Bekar, O Senvar
Intelligent Decision Making in Quality Management: Theory and Applications …, 2016
Particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony approaches to optimize of single input-output fuzzy membership functions
E Turanoglu, E Ozceylan, MS Kiran
Proceedings of the 41st international conference on computers & industrial …, 2011
Prediction of Industry 4.0’s Impact on Total Productive Maintenance Using a Real Manufacturing Case
E Turanoglu Bekar, A Skoogh, N Cetin, O Siray
Proceedings of the International Symposium for Production Research 2018 18 …, 2019
Usability and usefulness of circularity indicators for manufacturing performance management
FS Syu, A Vasudevan, M Despeisse, A Chari, ET Bekar, MM Gonçalves, ...
Procedia CIRP 105, 835-840, 2022
An ANFIS Algorithm for Forecasting Overall Equipment Effectiveness Parameter in Total Productive Maintenance.
ET Bekar, M Cakmakci, C Kahraman
Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing 25 (6), 2015
Organisational Constraints in Data-driven Maintenance: a case study in the automotive industry
P Savolainen, J Magnusson, M Gopalakrishnan, ET Bekar, A Skoogh
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (3), 95-100, 2020
Measuring efficiency of total productive maintenance (TPM) with newly developed performance measures using fuzzy data envelopment analysis
ET Bekar, C Kahraman
Proceed-ings of the World Congress on Engineering 1, 2016
Oil consumption forecasting in Turkey using artificial neural network
E Turanoglu, O Senvar, C Kahraman
International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE) 1 (4 …, 2012
Determining the impact of 5G-technology on manufacturing performance using a modified TOPSIS method
C Lundgren, E Turanoglu Bekar, M Bärring, J Stahre, A Skoogh, ...
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 35 (1), 69-90, 2022
Challenges in data life cycle management for sustainable cyber-physical production systems
M Despeisse, ET Bekar
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems …, 2020
Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process with interval type-2 fuzzy sets
KCÖBS İU, E Turanoğlu
Knowl Based Syst 59, 48-57, 2014
A Machine Learning Based Health Indicator Construction in Implementing Predictive Maintenance: A Real World Industrial Application from Manufacturing
H Kurrewar, ET Bekar, A Skoogh, P Nyqvist
Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for …, 2021
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Articles 1–20