Ashish Pathak
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Cited by
Computational simulation of the interactions between moving rigid bodies and incompressible two-fluid flows
A Ghasemi, A Pathak, M Raessi
Computers & Fluids 94, 1-13, 2014
A 3D, fully Eulerian, VOF-based solver to study the interaction between two fluids and moving rigid bodies using the fictitious domain method
A Pathak, M Raessi
Journal of Computational Physics 311, 87-113, 2016
A three-dimensional volume-of-fluid method for reconstructing and advecting three-material interfaces forming contact lines
A Pathak, M Raessi
Journal of Computational Physics 307, 550-573, 2016
The Feasibility of Amazon's Cloud Computing Platform for Parallel, GPU-Accelerated, Multiphase-Flow Simulations
C Freniere, A Pathak, M Raessi, G Khanna
Computing in Science & Engineering 18 (5), 68-77, 2016
Advanced computational simulations of water waves interacting with wave energy converters
A Pathak, C Freniere, M Raessi
European Journal of Computational Mechanics 26 (1-2), 172-204, 2017
Computational characterization of the secondary droplets formed during the impingement of a train of ethanol drops
D Markt Jr, A Pathak, M Raessi, SY Lee, R Torelli
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (2), 248-262, 2020
Using a DNS Framework to Test a Splashed Mass Sub-Model for Lagrangian Spray Simulations
DP Markt, R Torelli, A Pathak, M Raessi, S Som, R Scarcelli, SY Lee, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Steady-state and transient solutions to drop evaporation in a finite domain: Alternative benchmarks to the d2 law
A Pathak, M Raessi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (Part A), 1147-1158, 2018
Advanced Computational Simulations of Surface Impingement of a Train of Ethanol Drops: A Pathway to Developing Spray-Wall Interaction Submodels
DP Markt Jr, A Pathak, M Raessi
Computing in Science & Engineering 20 (4), 56-65, 2018
An experimental and computational study of a single diesel droplet impinging on a dry surface
D Markt, L Zhao, X Zhu, A Pathak, R Torelli, SY Lee, M Raessi
Argonne National Lab.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States), 2018
Computational simulation of ocean wave energy converters using the fast fictitious domain method
A Ghasemi, A Pathak, M Raessi
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, E27. 004, 2012
Computational simulation of the interactions between water waves and two-dimensional wave energy converters
A Ghasemi, A Pathak, R Chiodi, M Raessi
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, R3. 008, 2013
A three-dimensional numerical scheme for modeling discontinuous pinning at sharp edges using the Volume-of-Fluid method
A Pathak, W Jin, M Raessi
Journal of Computational Physics 479, 111986, 2023
An implicit, sharp numerical treatment of viscous terms at arbitrarily shaped liquid-gas interfaces in evaporative flows
A Pathak, M Raessi
Journal of Computational Physics 418, 109625, 2020
Impact of high-speed diesel drop trains: Pursuing cleaner diesel engines
D Markt Jr, M Raessi, A Pathak, SY Lee, R Torelli
Physical Review Fluids 6 (11), 110508, 2021
Improving the numerical accuracy of sharp interface treatment of evaporation modeling
A Pathak, M Raessi
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Elastic membrane interacting with unsteady fluid flows
D Lamenza Naylor, V Mathai, A Pathak
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023
On Splashing Dynamics of Diesel Drop Trains Under Engine-Relevant Impingement Conditions: a Computational Study
D Markt Jr, A Pathak, M Raessi, R Torelli, SY Lee
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, P22. 006, 2019
Computational investigation of plug flow dynamics and splitting through 3D multi-branching bifurcating lung airway models
C Hoi, A Pathak, M Raessi
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, B29. 006, 2019
3D computational investigation of plug motion and film deposition in straight and Y-shaped tubes with pre-wetted walls
C Hoi, A Pathak, M Raessi
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
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Articles 1–20