Hridya P Lal
Hridya P Lal
Assistant Professor, Division of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, CUSAT
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Cited by
Stochastic model order reduction in randomly parametered linear dynamical systems
HP Lal, S Sarkar, S Gupta
Applied Mathematical Modelling 51, 744-763, 2017
Reduced order modelling in stochastically parametered acousto-elastic system using arbitrary PCE based SEREP
HP Lal, J Jith, S Gupta, S Sarkar
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 52, 1-14, 2018
Prediction of nonlocal elasticity parameters using high-throughput molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning
HP Lal, BR Abhiram, D Ghosh
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 103, 105175, 2024
Reduced Order Models in Analysis of Stochastically Parametered Linear Dynamical Systems
HP Lal, SM Godbole, JK Dubey, S Sarkar, S Gupta
Procedia Engineering 144, 1325-1331, 2016
Stochastic reduced order modelling of a fluid structure interaction system
WD Remigius, HP Lal, JK Dubey, SM Godbole, S Gupta, S Sarkar
Procedia Engineering 144, 1213-1219, 2016
Estimation of Modal Characteristics of a Reduced-Order Fluid–Structure Interaction System
HP Lal, W Dheelibun Remigius, S Gupta, S Sarkar
Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 1: Select Proceedings of …, 2019
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Articles 1–6