Bk Shivanna
Bk Shivanna
Professor of Entomology
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Field efficacy of insecticides for management of invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on maize in India
S Deshmukh, HB Pavithra, CM Kalleshwaraswamy, BK Shivanna, ...
Florida Entomologist 103 (2), 221-227, 2020
Impact of abiotic factors on population dynamics of sucking pests in transgenic cotton ecosystem
BK Shivanna, NB Gangadhara, MK Basavaraja, R Nagaraja, ...
International Journal of Natural Sciences 2, 72-74, 2011
Bioefficacy of new insecticides against sucking insect pests of transgenic cotton
BK Shivanna, B Gangadhara Naik, R Nagaraja, MK Basavaraja, ...
International journal of science and nature 2 (1), 79-83, 2011
Seasonal incidence of sucking pests on transgenic Bt cotton and correlation with weather factors.
BK Shivanna, DN Nagaraja, M Manjunatha, MI Naik
Biology of legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis Geyer on cowpea.
V Naveen, MI Naik, M Manjunatha, S Pradeep, BK Shivanna, S Sridhar
Quantification of Cry1Ac protein over time in different tissues of Bt cotton hybrids.
R Manjunatha, S Pradeep, S Sridhara, M Manjunatha, MI Naik, ...
Bionomics of leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) on transgenic Bt cotton.
BK Shivanna, DN Nagaraja, M Manjunatha, S Gayathridevi, S Pradeep, ...
Varietal screening of cowpea against pulse beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) and C. analis (Fab.)
BK Shivanna, BN Ramamurthy, NB Gangadhara, DS Gayathri, ...
Int. J. Science and Nature 2 (2), 245-247, 2011
Bioecology and management of budworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on FCV tobacco
BK Shivanna, MR Girish, H Shruthi, ME Shilpa, HM Vikas, ...
Int. J. Sci. Nat 3 (4), 892-899, 2012
Host preference of pulse beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) and C. analis (Fab.) on selected pulses
BK Shivanna, BN Ramamurthy, NB Gangadhara, DS Gayathri, ...
International Journal of Science and Nature 2 (2), 238-240, 2011
Survey for the pests of castor and natural enemies of castor semilooper.
MI Naik, MAA Kumar, M Manjunatha, BK Shivanna
Comparative performance of Bt and non-Bt cotton against bollworm complex.
R Manjunatha, S Pradeep, S Sridhara, M Manjunatha, MI Naik, ...
Field evaluation of RIL 18 20SL (Imidacloprid) against rice brown planthopper and green leafhopper.
M Manjunatha, BK Shivanna
Biology of Spodoptera litura on chewing tobacco in vitro.
M Latha, BK Shivanna, M Manjunatha, MC Kumaraswamy
Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith): incidence, host range and its management
S Sharanabasappa, CM Kaleshwaraswamy, BK Shivanna, AC Hosamani, ...
David Mota-Sanchez. 2020. Field efficacy of insecticides for management of invasive fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on maize in India
S Deshmukh, HB Pavithra, CM Kalleshwaraswamy, BK Shivanna, ...
Florida Entomologist 103 (2), 221-27, 0
Evaluation of fungal pathogen, Fusarium semitectum Berk and Ravenel against tobacco aphid under laboratory and greenhouse conditions.
A Asharani, M Manjunatha, MI Naik, BK Shivanna, SG Devi, S Pradeep
Seasonal incidence of major sternorrhynchan insect pests infesting arecanut in South India
VK Dubey, CM Kalleshwaraswamy, BK Shivanna
Indian J. Agric. Res 47 (5), 436-440, 2021
Population dynamics of insect pests of castor
TR Ranganath, BK Shivanna, AY Htjgar, JN Hegde, KC Shashidara
The Entomological Society of India 83 (2), 235-237, 2021
Effect of flooding and insecticide spray on arecanut white grubs, Leucopholis lepidophora Blanchard and Leucopholis burmeisteri Brenske (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in arecanut
SK Adarsha, BK Shivanna, CM Swamy
Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems 23 (2), 142-146, 2017
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Articles 1–20