Kaushal Kishor Prasad
Kaushal Kishor Prasad
Professor, Department of Gastroenterology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
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Abdominal tuberculosis of the gastrointestinal tract: revisited
U Debi, V Ravisankar, KK Prasad, SK Sinha, AK Sharma
World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG 20 (40), 14831, 2014
Role of serotonin in gastrointestinal motility and irritable bowel syndrome
A Sikander, SV Rana, KK Prasad
Clinica chimica acta 403 (1-2), 47-55, 2009
Pancreatic trauma: a concise review
U Debi, R Kaur, KK Prasad, SK Sinha, A Sinha, K Singh
World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG 19 (47), 9003, 2013
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and orocecal transit time in patients of inflammatory bowel disease
KS SV Rana, S Sharma, A Malik, J Kaur, KK Prasad, SK Sinha
Digestive diseases and sciences 58, 2594-2598, 2013
Role of oxidative stress & antioxidant defence in ulcerative colitis patients from north India
KS SV Rana, S Sharma, KK Prasad, SK Sinha
The Indian journal of medical research 139 (4), 568, 2014
Relationship of cytokines, oxidative stress and GI motility with bacterial overgrowth in ulcerative colitis patients
SV Rana, S Sharma, J Kaur, KK Prasad, SK Sinha, R Kochhar, A Malik, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 8 (8), 859-865, 2014
Fecal lactoferrin, myeloperoxidase and serum C‐reactive are effective biomarkers in the assessment of disease activity and severity in patients with idiopathic ulcerative colitis
I Masoodi, R Kochhar, U Dutta, C Vaishnavi, KK Prasad, K Vaiphei, ...
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 24 (11), 1768-1774, 2009
Serotonin transporter promoter variant: Analysis in Indian IBS patients and control population
A Sikander, SV Rana, SK Sinha, KK Prasad, SK Arora, SK Sharma, ...
Journal of clinical gastroenterology 43 (10), 957-961, 2009
Anemia in celiac disease is multifactorial in etiology: A prospective study from India
N Berry, J Basha, N Varma, S Varma, KK Prasad, K Vaiphei, N Dhaka, ...
JGH Open 2 (5), 196-200, 2018
Functional and morphological alterations in small intestine mucosa of chronic alcoholics
S Bhonchal, CK Nain, KK Prasad, R Nada, AK Sharma, SK Sinha, ...
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 23 (7pt2), e43-e48, 2008
Over-expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in colorectal cancer patients
RR Negi, SV Rana, V Gupta, R Gupta, VD Chadha, KK Prasad, ...
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 20 (6), 1675, 2019
Comparative Role of Antibiotic and Proton Pump Inhibitor in Experimental Clostridium difficile Infection in Mice
S Kaur, C Vaishnavi, KK Prasad, P Ray, R Kochhar
Microbiology and immunology 51 (12), 1209-1214, 2007
Prevalence of coeliac disease in healthy blood donors: a study from north India
R Kochhar, S Sachdev, R Kochhar, A Aggarwal, V Sharma, KK Prasad, ...
Digestive and Liver Disease 44 (6), 530-532, 2012
Assessment of the diagnostic value of duodenal bulb histology in patients with celiac disease, using multiple biopsy sites
KK Prasad, BR Thapa, CK Nain, K Singh
Journal of clinical gastroenterology 43 (4), 307-311, 2009
Association of serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) with microscopic colitis and ulcerative colitis
A Sikander, SK Sinha, KK Prasad, SV Rana
Digestive diseases and sciences 60, 887-894, 2015
Indian primary hyperparathyroidism patients with parathyroid carcinoma do not differ in clinicoinvestigative characteristics from those with benign parathyroid pathology
G Agarwal, KK Prasad, DK Kar, N Krishnani, R Pandey, SK Mishra
World journal of surgery 30, 732-742, 2006
Brush border enzyme activities in relation to histological lesion in pediatric celiac disease
KK Prasad, BR Thapa, CK Nain, AK Sharma, K Singh
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 23 (8pt2), e348-e352, 2008
Clinical presentation of celiac disease among pediatric compared to adolescent and adult patients
R Kochhar, K Jain, BR Thapa, P Rawal, A Khaliq, R Kochhar, S Bhadada, ...
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 31, 116-120, 2012
Oral nano vitamin D supplementation reduces disease activity in ulcerative colitis: a double-blind randomized parallel group placebo-controlled trial
U Dutta, V Sharma, KK Prasad, P Popli, D Kalsi, C Vaishnavi, S Arora, ...
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 53 (10), e409-e415, 2019
Zinc supplementation to patients with celiac disease—is it required?
P Rawal, BR Thapa, R Prasad, KK Prasad, CK Nain, K Singh
Journal of tropical pediatrics 56 (6), 391-397, 2010
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