S. M. Bhattacharjee
S. M. Bhattacharjee
Professor, Ashoka University, Sonepat; Formerly: Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
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A measure of data collapse for scaling
SM Bhattacharjee, F Seno
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (33), 6375, 2001
Dynamical scaling of the DNA unzipping transition
D Marenduzzo, SM Bhattacharjee, A Maritan, E Orlandini, F Seno
Physical review letters 88 (2), 028102, 2001
Unzipping DNAs: towards the first step of replication
SM Bhattacharjee
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (45), L423, 2000
Flory theory for polymers
SM Bhattacharjee, A Giacometti, A Maritan
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (50), 503101, 2013
Molecular weight dependence of polymer interfacial tension and concentration profile
E Helfand, SM Bhattacharjee, GH Fredrickson
The Journal of chemical physics 91 (11), 7200-7208, 1989
Theory of tunneling conductance of graphene normal metal-insulator-superconductor junctions
S Bhattacharjee, M Maiti, K Sengupta
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (18), 184514, 2007
Fifty years of the exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model by Onsager
SM Bhattacharjee, A Khare
Current science 69 (10), 816-821, 1995
Mechanical denaturation of DNA: existence of a low-temperature denaturation
E Orlandini, SM Bhattacharjee, D Marenduzzo, A Maritan, F Seno
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34 (50), L751, 2001
Complete Phase Diagram of DNA Unzipping: Eye, Fork, and Triple Point
R Kapri, SM Bhattacharjee, F Seno
Physical review letters 93 (24), 248102, 2004
Nonlocality in kinetic roughening
S Mukherji, SM Bhattacharjee
Physical review letters 79 (13), 2502, 1997
Critical behavior of a three-dimensional dimer model
SM Bhattacharjee, JF Nagle, DA Huse, ME Fisher
Journal of Statistical Physics 32, 361-374, 1983
Dimer models on anisotropic lattices
JF Nagle, CSO Yokoi, SM Bhattacharjee
Phase Transitions 13, 236-296, 1989
Statistical mechanics of solutions of semiflexible chains: A path integral formulation
SM Bhattacharjee, M Muthukumar
The Journal of chemical physics 86 (1), 411-418, 1987
Finite-size effect for the critical point of an anisotropic dimer model of domain walls
SM Bhattacharjee, JF Nagle
Physical Review A 31 (5), 3199, 1985
Short-fragment Na-DNA dilute aqueous solutions: Fundamental length scales and screening
S Tomić, SD Babić, T Ivek, T Vuletić, S Krča, F Livolant, R Podgornik
Europhysics letters 81 (6), 68003, 2008
Directed polymers with random interaction: Marginal relevance and novel criticality
SM Bhattacharjee, S Mukherji
Physical review letters 70 (1), 49, 1993
Testing kinetic models for the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle—II. Inclusion of an O to M backreaction
LA Parodi, RH Lozier, SM Bhattacharjee, JF Nagle
Photochemistry and photobiology 40 (4), 501-506, 1984
Directed polymers with random interaction: An exactly solvable case
S Mukherji, SM Bhattacharjee
Physical Review E 48 (5), 3483, 1993
Translational invariance in critical phenomena Ising model on a quasi-lattice
SM Bhattacharjee, JS Ho, JAY Johnson
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20 (13), 4439, 1987
Theory of tricriticality for miscut surfaces
SM Bhattacharjee
Physical review letters 76 (24), 4568, 1996
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