Neha Garg
Neha Garg
Aalto University, Espoo Finland
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Cited by
A type-II semiconductor (ZnO/CuS heterostructure) for visible light photocatalysis
M Basu, N Garg, AK Ganguli
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (20), 7517-7525, 2014
Nickel cobaltite nanostructures with enhanced supercapacitance activity
N Garg, M Basu, AK Ganguli
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (31), 17332-17341, 2014
Electrochemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured CoMn 2 O 4 and Co 2 MnO 4
N Garg, M Mishra, AK Ganguli
RSC Advances 5 (103), 84988-84998, 2015
Design of Anisotropic Co3O4 Nanostructures: Control of Particle Size, Assembly, and Aspect Ratio
S Sharma, N Garg, KV Ramanujachary, SE Lofland, AK Ganguli
Crystal growth & design 12 (8), 4202-4210, 2012
Controlling the aspect ratio and electrocatalytic properties of nickel cobaltite nanorods
N Garg, M Basu, K Upadhyaya, SM Shivaprasad, AK Ganguli
Rsc Advances 3 (46), 24328-24336, 2013
Nanostructured dimagnesium manganese oxide (Spinel): Control of size, shape and their magnetic and electro catalytic properties
N Garg, KV Ramanujachary, SE Lofland, AK Ganguli
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 197, 392-397, 2013
Nanostructured nickel manganese oxide: aligned nanostructures and their magnetic properties
N Garg, S Kumar, D Kumar, KV Ramanujachary, SE Lofland, AK Ganguli
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (35), 18447-18453, 2012
Microemulsion based approach for nanospheres assembly into anisotropic nanostructures of NiMnO3 and their magnetic properties
M Jha, S Kumar, N Garg, KV Ramanujachary, SE Lofland, AK Ganguli
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 258, 722-727, 2018
Enhanced electrochemical discharge of Li-ion batteries for safe recycling
N Garg, S Pekkinen, EM González, R Serna-Guerrero, P Peljo, ...
Sustainable energy & fuels, 2024
Chemical intercalation and electrochemical deintercalation of 2-aminoterephthalic acid into the layered titanoniobate HTiNbO5
CI Thomas, J Heiska, N Garg, M Karppinen
Solid State Ionics 360, 115535, 2021
Optimization of the Response to NCOVID-19 Pandemic in Pregnant Women–An Urgent Appeal in Indian Scenario
N Garg, K Kothandaraman, M Jeyaraman
International Journal of Current Research and Review 12 (9), 14-18, 2020
Comparison of experimental separation methods for silicon solar panels
S Jech, N Garg, A Santasalo-Aarnio, K Miettunen
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2023
Total Stromal Fraction (TSF)-Fortified Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells Source: An Emerging Regenerative Realm Against COVID-19 Induced Pulmonary Compromise
M Jeyaraman, S Muthu, R Jain, AS Satish, N Garg, PC Mishra, K Swati, ...
Coronaviruses 3 (1), 56-64, 2022
Controlling the assembly of oxide nanoparticles during the decomposition of metal oxalate nanorods
S Sharma, N Garg, AK Ganguli
Nanoparticle Assembly: From Fundamentals to Applications, 84, 2011
Hydrogen production efficiency in SO
PN Prasad, N Garg, M Gasik, A Santasalo-Aarnio
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Articles 1–15