Sneha khanapure
Sneha khanapure
Lecturer in DY patil deemed to be university school of dentistry, Nerul, Navi Mumbai
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Reactive hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity: A retrospective survey study and literature review
VA Sangle, VK Pooja, A Holani, N Shah, M Chaudhary, S Khanapure
Indian Journal of Dental Research 29 (1), 61-66, 2018
Awareness-knowledge and practices of dental waste management among private practitioners
KN Abhishek, S Supreetha, N Varma Penumatsa, G Sam, SC Khanapure, ...
Kathmandu Univ Med J (KUMJ) 14 (53), 17-21, 2016
Association between cheiloscopic patterns and ABO blood groups among south indian population
MRA sneha khanapure, HG suhas, Shradha Potda, George Sam, CB Sudeep
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 18 (7), 596-600, 2017
Impact of caries prevalence on oral health-related quality of life among police personnel in Virajpet, South India
KN Abhishek, S Shamarao, J Jain, R Haridas, SL Ajagannanavar, ...
Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 4 (3 …, 2014
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Anganwadi Workers Regarding Oral Health of Children in Virajpet Taluk
SCK Shilpa M., Jithesh Jain, Ananda S.R., Mahesh Hiregoudar, Abhishek K.N.
Journal of Advanced Oral Research 5 (3), 18-23, 2014
Impact of periodontal status on oral health‐related quality of life among police personnel in Virajpet, India
KN Abhishek, J Jain, S Shamarao, SC Khanapure
Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry 7 (2), 193-197, 2016
Cheiloscopy:The study of lip prints in relation to gender and geographic distribution
MS Sneha C Khanapure, Jithesh Jain, S R Ananda, S Supreetha
international journal of scientific studies 2 (9), 1-6, 2014
Awareness of oral health changes during menstruation: a questionnaire-based survey among adolescent girls
SR Gomes, S Tamgadge, SS Acharya, PR Thapar, RR Patil, ...
Dentistry and Medical Research 7 (1), 28-32, 2019
Prevalence of dental caries and treatment needs in Tibetan monks and nuns in Karnataka
S Khanapure, A Abraham, YH Abokhlifa, G Sam, MSR Reddy, ...
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 12 (Suppl 1), S214-S217, 2020
An overview of ergonomics in dentistry
RC Deshmuk, SR Gomes, SS Acharya, SC Khanapure
Indian J. Oral Health Res 5, 40, 2019
Ergonomics–Work Smart, Be Safe!!
KN Abhishek, J Jain, SC Khanapure, M Shilpa
J Adv Med Dent Scie 1 (2), 34-39, 2013
Salivary Flow Estimation - An Alternate and Non-Invasive Method
SCK Naveen Srinivas, Ketki Sali, Praveen Kumar Ramurg, Anju Anu Jose
Indian Journal of Medical Research and Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (8), 23-29, 2017
association between cheiloscopic patterns and ABO blood groups among south indian population
AMR Sneha Khanapure, Suhas HG, Shrudha Potdar, George Sam, Sudeep CB
The Journal of Contemporary Dental practice 18 (7), 596-600, 2017
Association between Socio-Demographic Factors and the Type of Tobacco Consumption among Subjects Attending a Rural Hospital, South India
K Sneha, J Jain, SR Ananda, S Supreetha, KN Abhishek, M Shilpa
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 7 (3), 211-218, 2015
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M Shilpa, ASR Jithesh Jain, AKN Mahesh Hiregoudar, CK Sneha
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